
class Compose(transforms)[source]#

Compose a list of transforms into one.


transforms (list of callable) – list of transforms

Graph Transformations#


class NormalizeTarget(mean, std)[source]#

Normalize the target values in a sample.

  • mean (dict of float) – mean of targets

  • std (dict of float) – standard deviation of targets


class RandomBFSOrder[source]#

Order the nodes in a graph according to a random BFS order.


class Shuffle(shuffle_node=True, shuffle_edge=True)[source]#

Shuffle the order of nodes and edges in a graph.

  • shuffle_node (bool, optional) – shuffle node order or not

  • shuffle_edge (bool, optional) – shuffle edge order or not


class VirtualNode(relation=None, weight=1, node_feature=None, edge_feature=None, **kwargs)[source]#

Add a virtual node and connect it with every node in the graph.

  • relation (int, optional) – relation of virtual edges. By default, use the maximal relation in the graph plus 1.

  • weight (int, optional) – weight of virtual edges

  • node_feature (array_like, optional) – feature of the virtual node

  • edge_feature (array_like, optional) – feature of virtual edges

  • kwargs – other attributes of the virtual node or virtual edges

Molecule Transformations#


class RemapAtomType(atom_types)[source]#

Map atom types to their index in a vocabulary. Atom types that don’t present in the vocabulary are mapped to -1.


atom_types (array_like) – vocabulary of atom types


class VirtualAtom(atom_type=None, bond_type=None, node_feature=None, edge_feature=None, **kwargs)[source]#

Add a virtual atom and connect it with every atom in the molecule.

  • atom_type (int, optional) – type of the virtual atom

  • bond_type (int, optional) – type of the virtual bonds

  • node_feature (array_like, optional) – feature of the virtual atom

  • edge_feature (array_like, optional) – feature of virtual bonds

  • kwargs – other attributes of the virtual atoms or virtual bonds

Protein Transformations#


class TruncateProtein(max_length=None, random=False, keys='graph')[source]#

Truncate over long protein sequences into a fixed length.

  • max_length (int, optional) – maximal length of the sequence. Truncate the sequence if it exceeds this limit.

  • random (bool, optional) – truncate the sequence at a random position. If not, truncate the suffix of the sequence.

  • keys (str or list of str, optional) – keys for the items that require truncation in a sample


class ProteinView(view, keys='graph')[source]#

Convert proteins to a specific view.

  • view (str) – protein view. Can be atom or residue.

  • keys (str or list of str, optional) – keys for the items that require view change in a sample