import copy
import logging
from collections import deque
import torch
from torchdrug import core
from torchdrug.core import Registry as R
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class NormalizeTarget(core.Configurable):
Normalize the target values in a sample.
mean (dict of float): mean of targets
std (dict of float): standard deviation of targets
def __init__(self, mean, std):
self.mean = mean
self.std = std
def __call__(self, item):
item = item.copy()
for k in self.mean:
if k in item:
item[k] = (item[k] - self.mean[k]) / self.std[k]
raise ValueError("Can't find target `%s` in data item" % k)
return item
class RemapAtomType(core.Configurable):
Map atom types to their index in a vocabulary. Atom types that don't present in the vocabulary are mapped to -1.
atom_types (array_like): vocabulary of atom types
def __init__(self, atom_types):
atom_types = torch.as_tensor(atom_types)
self.id2atom = atom_types
self.atom2id = - torch.ones(atom_types.max() + 1, dtype=torch.long, device=atom_types.device)
self.atom2id[atom_types] = torch.arange(len(atom_types), device=atom_types.device)
def __call__(self, item):
graph = copy.copy(item["graph"])
graph.atom_type = self.atom2id[graph.atom_type]
item = item.copy()
item["graph"] = graph
return item
class RandomBFSOrder(core.Configurable):
Order the nodes in a graph according to a random BFS order.
def __call__(self, item):
graph = item["graph"]
edge_list = graph.edge_list[:, :2].tolist()
neighbor = [[] for _ in range(graph.num_node)]
for h, t in edge_list:
depth = [-1] * graph.num_node
i = torch.randint(graph.num_node, (1,)).item()
queue = deque([i])
depth[i] = 0
order = []
while queue:
h = queue.popleft()
for t in neighbor[h]:
if depth[t] == -1:
depth[t] = depth[h] + 1
item = item.copy()
item["graph"] = graph.subgraph(order)
return item
class Shuffle(core.Configurable):
Shuffle the order of nodes and edges in a graph.
shuffle_node (bool, optional): shuffle node order or not
shuffle_edge (bool, optional): shuffle edge order or not
def __init__(self, shuffle_node=True, shuffle_edge=True):
self.shuffle_node = shuffle_node
self.shuffle_edge = shuffle_edge
def __call__(self, item):
graph = item["graph"]
data = self.transform_data(graph.data_dict, graph.meta)
item = item.copy()
item["graph"] = type(graph)(**data)
return item
def transform_data(self, data, meta):
edge_list = data["edge_list"]
num_node = data["num_node"]
num_edge = data["num_edge"]
if self.shuffle_edge:
node_perm = torch.randperm(num_node, device=edge_list.device)
node_perm = torch.arange(num_node, device=edge_list.device)
if self.shuffle_edge:
edge_perm = torch.randperm(num_edge, device=edge_list.device)
edge_perm = torch.randperm(num_edge, device=edge_list.device)
new_data = {}
for key in data:
if meta[key] == "node":
new_data[key] = data[key][node_perm]
elif meta[key] == "edge":
new_data[key] = node_perm[data[key][edge_perm]]
new_data[key] = data[key]
return new_data
class VirtualNode(core.Configurable):
Add a virtual node and connect it with every node in the graph.
relation (int, optional): relation of virtual edges.
By default, use the maximal relation in the graph plus 1.
weight (int, optional): weight of virtual edges
node_feature (array_like, optional): feature of the virtual node
edge_feature (array_like, optional): feature of virtual edges
kwargs: other attributes of the virtual node or virtual edges
def __init__(self, relation=None, weight=1, node_feature=None, edge_feature=None, **kwargs):
self.relation = relation
self.weight = weight
self.default = {k: torch.as_tensor(v) for k, v in kwargs.items()}
if node_feature is not None:
self.default["node_feature"] = torch.as_tensor(node_feature)
if edge_feature is not None:
self.default["edge_feature"] = torch.as_tensor(edge_feature)
def __call__(self, item):
graph = item["graph"]
edge_list = graph.edge_list
edge_weight = graph.edge_weight
num_node = graph.num_node
num_relation = graph.num_relation
existing_node = torch.arange(num_node, device=edge_list.device)
virtual_node = torch.ones(num_node, dtype=torch.long, device=edge_list.device) * num_node
node_in =[virtual_node, existing_node])
node_out =[existing_node, virtual_node])
if edge_list.shape[1] == 2:
new_edge = torch.stack([node_in, node_out], dim=-1)
if self.relation is None:
relation = num_relation
num_relation = num_relation + 1
relation = self.relation
relation = relation * torch.ones(num_node * 2, dtype=torch.long, device=edge_list.device)
new_edge = torch.stack([node_in, node_out, relation], dim=-1)
edge_list =[edge_list, new_edge])
new_edge_weight = self.weight * torch.ones(num_node * 2, device=edge_weight.device)
edge_weight =[edge_weight, new_edge_weight])
# add default node/edge attributes
data = graph.data_dict.copy()
for key, value in graph.meta.items():
if value == "node":
if key in self.default:
new_data = self.default[key].unsqueeze(0)
new_data = torch.zeros(1, *data[key].shape[1:], dtype=data[key].dtype, device=data[key].device)
data[key] =[data[key], new_data])
elif value == "edge":
if key in self.default:
repeat = [-1] * (data[key].ndim - 1)
new_data = self.default[key].expand(num_node * 2, *repeat)
new_data = torch.zeros(num_node * 2, *data[key].shape[1:],
dtype=data[key].dtype, device=data[key].device)
data[key] =[data[key], new_data])
graph = type(graph)(edge_list, edge_weight=edge_weight, num_node=num_node + 1,
num_relation=num_relation, meta=graph.meta, **data)
item = item.copy()
item["graph"] = graph
return item
class VirtualAtom(VirtualNode, core.Configurable):
Add a virtual atom and connect it with every atom in the molecule.
atom_type (int, optional): type of the virtual atom
bond_type (int, optional): type of the virtual bonds
node_feature (array_like, optional): feature of the virtual atom
edge_feature (array_like, optional): feature of virtual bonds
kwargs: other attributes of the virtual atoms or virtual bonds
def __init__(self, atom_type=None, bond_type=None, node_feature=None, edge_feature=None, **kwargs):
super(VirtualAtom, self).__init__(relation=bond_type, weight=1, node_feature=node_feature,
edge_feature=edge_feature, atom_type=atom_type, **kwargs)
class TruncateProtein(core.Configurable):
Truncate over long protein sequences into a fixed length.
max_length (int, optional): maximal length of the sequence. Truncate the sequence if it exceeds this limit.
random (bool, optional): truncate the sequence at a random position.
If not, truncate the suffix of the sequence.
keys (str or list of str, optional): keys for the items that require truncation in a sample
def __init__(self, max_length=None, random=False, keys="graph"):
self.truncate_length = max_length
self.random = random
if isinstance(keys, str):
keys = [keys]
self.keys = keys
def __call__(self, item):
new_item = item.copy()
for key in self.keys:
graph = item[key]
if graph.num_residue > self.truncate_length:
if self.random:
start = torch.randint(graph.num_residue - self.truncate_length, (1,)).item()
start = 0
end = start + self.truncate_length
mask = torch.zeros(graph.num_residue, dtype=torch.bool, device=graph.device)
mask[start:end] = True
graph = graph.subresidue(mask)
new_item[key] = graph
return new_item
class ProteinView(core.Configurable):
Convert proteins to a specific view.
view (str): protein view. Can be ``atom`` or ``residue``.
keys (str or list of str, optional): keys for the items that require view change in a sample
def __init__(self, view, keys="graph"):
self.view = view
if isinstance(keys, str):
keys = [keys]
self.keys = keys
def __call__(self, item):
item = item.copy()
for key in self.keys:
graph = copy.copy(item[key])
graph.view = self.view
item[key] = graph
return item
class Compose(core.Configurable):
Compose a list of transforms into one.
transforms (list of callable): list of transforms
def __init__(self, transforms):
# flatten recursive composition
new_transforms = []
for transform in transforms:
if isinstance(transform, Compose):
new_transforms += transform.transforms
elif transform is not None:
self.transforms = new_transforms
def __call__(self, item):
for transform in self.transforms:
item = transform(item)
return item