import os
import multiprocessing
from collections import defaultdict
import torch
from torch import distributed as dist
cpu_group = None
gpu_group = None
[docs]def get_rank():
Get the rank of this process in distributed processes.
Return 0 for single process case.
if dist.is_initialized():
return dist.get_rank()
if "RANK" in os.environ:
return int(os.environ["RANK"])
return 0
[docs]def get_world_size():
Get the total number of distributed processes.
Return 1 for single process case.
if dist.is_initialized():
return dist.get_world_size()
if "WORLD_SIZE" in os.environ:
return int(os.environ["WORLD_SIZE"])
return 1
[docs]def get_group(device):
Get the process group corresponding to the given device.
device (torch.device): query device
group = cpu_group if device.type == "cpu" else gpu_group
if group is None:
raise ValueError("%s group is not initialized. Use comm.init_process_group() to initialize it"
% device.type.upper())
return group
[docs]def init_process_group(backend, init_method=None, **kwargs):
Initialize CPU and/or GPU process groups.
backend (str): Communication backend. Use ``nccl`` for GPUs and ``gloo`` for CPUs.
init_method (str, optional): URL specifying how to initialize the process group
global cpu_group
global gpu_group
dist.init_process_group(backend, init_method, **kwargs)
gpu_group =
if backend == "nccl":
cpu_group = dist.new_group(backend="gloo")
cpu_group = gpu_group
[docs]def get_cpu_count():
Get the number of CPUs on this node.
return multiprocessing.cpu_count()
def synchronize():
Synchronize among all distributed processes.
if get_world_size() > 1:
def _recursive_read(obj):
values = defaultdict(list)
sizes = defaultdict(list)
if isinstance(obj, torch.Tensor):
values[obj.dtype] += [obj.flatten()]
sizes[obj.dtype] += [torch.tensor([obj.numel()], device=obj.device)]
elif isinstance(obj, dict):
for v in obj.values():
child_values, child_sizes = _recursive_read(v)
for k, v in child_values.items():
values[k] += v
for k, v in child_sizes.items():
sizes[k] += v
elif isinstance(obj, list) or isinstance(obj, tuple):
for v in obj:
child_values, child_sizes = _recursive_read(v)
for k, v in child_values.items():
values[k] += v
for k, v in child_sizes.items():
sizes[k] += v
raise ValueError("Unknown type `%s`" % type(obj))
return values, sizes
def _recursive_write(obj, values, sizes=None):
if isinstance(obj, torch.Tensor):
if sizes is None:
size = torch.tensor([obj.numel()], device=obj.device)
s = sizes[obj.dtype]
size, s = s.split([1, len(s) - 1])
sizes[obj.dtype] = s
v = values[obj.dtype]
new_obj, v = v.split([size, v.shape[-1] - size], dim=-1)
# compatible with reduce / stack / cat
new_obj = new_obj.view(new_obj.shape[:-1] + (-1,) + obj.shape[1:])
values[obj.dtype] = v
return new_obj, values
elif isinstance(obj, dict):
new_obj = {}
for k, v in obj.items():
new_obj[k], values = _recursive_write(v, values, sizes)
elif isinstance(obj, list) or isinstance(obj, tuple):
new_obj = []
for v in obj:
new_v, values = _recursive_write(v, values, sizes)
raise ValueError("Unknown type `%s`" % type(obj))
return new_obj, values
[docs]def reduce(obj, op="sum", dst=None):
Reduce any nested container of tensors.
obj (Object): any container object. Can be nested list, tuple or dict.
op (str, optional): element-wise reduction operator.
Available operators are ``sum``, ``mean``, ``min``, ``max``, ``product``.
dst (int, optional): rank of destination worker. If not specified, broadcast the result to all workers.
>>> # assume 4 workers
>>> rank = comm.get_rank()
>>> x = torch.rand(5)
>>> obj = {"polynomial": x ** rank}
>>> obj = comm.reduce(obj)
>>> assert torch.allclose(obj["polynomial"], x ** 3 + x ** 2 + x + 1)
values = _recursive_read(obj)[0]
values = {k: for k, v in values.items()}
is_mean = op == "mean"
if is_mean:
op = "sum"
op = getattr(dist.ReduceOp, op.upper())
reduced = {}
for k, v in values.items():
dtype = v.dtype
# NCCL can't solve bool. Cast them to byte
if dtype == torch.bool:
v = v.byte()
group = get_group(v.device)
if dst is None:
dist.all_reduce(v, op=op, group=group)
dist.reduce(v, op=op, dst=dst, group=group)
if is_mean:
v = v / get_world_size()
reduced[k] = v.type(dtype)
return _recursive_write(obj, reduced)[0]
[docs]def stack(obj, dst=None):
Stack any nested container of tensors. The new dimension will be added at the 0-th axis.
obj (Object): any container object. Can be nested list, tuple or dict.
dst (int, optional): rank of destination worker. If not specified, broadcast the result to all workers.
>>> # assume 4 workers
>>> rank = comm.get_rank()
>>> x = torch.rand(5)
>>> obj = {"exponent": x ** rank}
>>> obj = comm.stack(obj)
>>> truth = torch.stack([torch.ones_like(x), x, x ** 2, x ** 3]
>>> assert torch.allclose(obj["exponent"], truth))
values = _recursive_read(obj)[0]
values = {k: for k, v in values.items()}
stacked = {}
for k, v in values.items():
dtype = v.dtype
# NCCL can't solve bool. Cast them to byte
if dtype == torch.bool:
dtype = torch.uint8
s = torch.zeros(get_world_size(), *v.shape, dtype=dtype, device=v.device)
s[get_rank()] = v
group = get_group(s.device)
if dst is None:
dist.all_reduce(s, op=dist.ReduceOp.SUM, group=group)
dist.reduce(s, op=dist.ReduceOp.SUM, dst=dst, group=group)
stacked[k] = s.type(v.dtype)
return _recursive_write(obj, stacked)[0]
[docs]def cat(obj, dst=None):
Concatenate any nested container of tensors along the 0-th axis.
obj (Object): any container object. Can be nested list, tuple or dict.
dst (int, optional): rank of destination worker. If not specified, broadcast the result to all workers.
>>> # assume 4 workers
>>> rank = comm.get_rank()
>>> rng = torch.arange(10)
>>> obj = {"range": rng[rank * (rank + 1) // 2: (rank + 1) * (rank + 2) // 2]}
>>> obj =
>>> assert torch.allclose(obj["range"], rng)
values, sizes = _recursive_read(obj)
sizes = {k: for k, v in sizes.items()}
sizes = stack(sizes)
cated = {}
for k, value in values.items():
size = sizes[k].t().flatten() # sizes[k]: (num_worker, num_obj)
dtype = value[0].dtype
# NCCL can't solve bool. Cast them to byte
if dtype == torch.bool:
dtype = torch.uint8
s = torch.zeros(size.sum(), dtype=dtype, device=value[0].device)
obj_id = get_rank()
world_size = get_world_size()
offset = size[:obj_id].sum()
for v in value:
assert offset + v.numel() <= len(s)
s[offset: offset + v.numel()] = v
offset += size[obj_id: obj_id + world_size].sum()
obj_id += world_size
group = get_group(s.device)
if dst is None:
dist.all_reduce(s, op=dist.ReduceOp.SUM, group=group)
dist.reduce(s, op=dist.ReduceOp.SUM, dst=dst, group=group)
cated[k] = s.type(value[0].dtype)
sizes = {k: v.sum(dim=0) for k, v in sizes.items()}
return _recursive_write(obj, cated, sizes)[0]