import torch
from torch import nn
from torch.nn import functional as F
from torch.utils import data as torch_data
from torchdrug import core, tasks
from torchdrug.layers import functional
from torchdrug.core import Registry as R
class KnowledgeGraphCompletion(tasks.Task, core.Configurable):
Knowledge graph completion task.
This class provides routines for the family of knowledge graph embedding models.
model (nn.Module): knowledge graph completion model
criterion (str, list or dict, optional): training criterion(s). For dict, the keys are criterions and the values
are the corresponding weights. Available criterions are ``bce``, ``ce`` and ``ranking``.
metric (str or list of str, optional): metric(s). Available metrics are ``mr``, ``mrr`` and ``hits@K``.
num_negative (int, optional): number of negative samples per positive sample
margin (float, optional): margin in ranking criterion
adversarial_temperature (float, optional): temperature for self-adversarial negative sampling.
Set ``0`` to disable self-adversarial negative sampling.
strict_negative (bool, optional): use strict negative sampling or not
fact_ratio (float, optional): split the training set into facts and labels.
Set ``None`` to use the whole training set as both facts and labels.
sample_weight (bool, optional): whether to down-weight triplets from entities of large degrees
filtered_ranking (bool, optional): use filtered or unfiltered ranking for evaluation
full_batch_eval (bool, optional): whether to feed test negative samples by full batch or mini batch.
Full batch speeds up evaluation significantly, but may cause OOM problems for some models and datasets.
_option_members = {"criterion", "metric"}
def __init__(self, model, criterion="bce", metric=("mr", "mrr", "hits@1", "hits@3", "hits@10"),
num_negative=128, margin=6, adversarial_temperature=0, strict_negative=True, fact_ratio=None,
sample_weight=True, filtered_ranking=True, full_batch_eval=False):
super(KnowledgeGraphCompletion, self).__init__()
self.model = model
self.criterion = criterion
self.metric = metric
self.num_negative = num_negative
self.margin = margin
self.adversarial_temperature = adversarial_temperature
self.strict_negative = strict_negative
self.fact_ratio = fact_ratio
self.sample_weight = sample_weight
self.filtered_ranking = filtered_ranking
self.full_batch_eval = full_batch_eval
def preprocess(self, train_set, valid_set, test_set):
if isinstance(train_set, torch_data.Subset):
dataset = train_set.dataset
dataset = train_set
self.num_entity = dataset.num_entity
self.num_relation = dataset.num_relation
self.register_buffer("graph", dataset.graph)
fact_mask = torch.ones(len(dataset), dtype=torch.bool)
fact_mask[valid_set.indices] = 0
fact_mask[test_set.indices] = 0
if self.fact_ratio:
length = int(len(train_set) * self.fact_ratio)
index = torch.randperm(len(train_set))[length:]
train_indices = torch.tensor(train_set.indices)
fact_mask[train_indices[index]] = 0
train_set = torch_data.Subset(train_set, index)
self.register_buffer("fact_graph", dataset.graph.edge_mask(fact_mask))
if self.sample_weight:
degree_hr = torch.zeros(self.num_entity, self.num_relation, dtype=torch.long)
degree_tr = torch.zeros(self.num_entity, self.num_relation, dtype=torch.long)
for h, t, r in train_set:
degree_hr[h, r] += 1
degree_tr[t, r] += 1
self.register_buffer("degree_hr", degree_hr)
self.register_buffer("degree_tr", degree_tr)
return train_set, valid_set, test_set
def forward(self, batch, all_loss=None, metric=None):
all_loss = torch.tensor(0, dtype=torch.float32, device=self.device)
metric = {}
pred = self.predict(batch, all_loss, metric)
pos_h_index, pos_t_index, pos_r_index = batch.t()
for criterion, weight in self.criterion.items():
if criterion == "bce":
target = torch.zeros_like(pred)
target[:, 0] = 1
loss = F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(pred, target, reduction="none")
neg_weight = torch.ones_like(pred)
if self.adversarial_temperature > 0:
with torch.no_grad():
neg_weight[:, 1:] = F.softmax(pred[:, 1:] / self.adversarial_temperature, dim=-1)
neg_weight[:, 1:] = 1 / self.num_negative
loss = (loss * neg_weight).sum(dim=-1) / neg_weight.sum(dim=-1)
elif criterion == "ce":
target = torch.zeros(len(pred), dtype=torch.long, device=self.device)
loss = F.cross_entropy(pred, target, reduction="none")
elif criterion == "ranking":
positive = pred[:, :1]
negative = pred[:, 1:]
target = torch.ones_like(negative)
loss = F.margin_ranking_loss(positive, negative, target, margin=self.margin)
raise ValueError("Unknown criterion `%s`" % criterion)
if self.sample_weight:
sample_weight = self.degree_hr[pos_h_index, pos_r_index] * self.degree_tr[pos_t_index, pos_r_index]
sample_weight = 1 / sample_weight.float().sqrt()
loss = (loss * sample_weight).sum() / sample_weight.sum()
loss = loss.mean()
name = tasks._get_criterion_name(criterion)
metric[name] = loss
all_loss += loss * weight
return all_loss, metric
def predict(self, batch, all_loss=None, metric=None):
pos_h_index, pos_t_index, pos_r_index = batch.t()
batch_size = len(batch)
if all_loss is None:
# test
all_index = torch.arange(self.num_entity, device=self.device)
t_preds = []
h_preds = []
num_negative = self.num_entity if self.full_batch_eval else self.num_negative
for neg_index in all_index.split(num_negative):
r_index = pos_r_index.unsqueeze(-1).expand(-1, len(neg_index))
h_index, t_index = torch.meshgrid(pos_h_index, neg_index)
t_pred = self.model(self.fact_graph, h_index, t_index, r_index, all_loss=all_loss, metric=metric)
t_pred =, dim=-1)
for neg_index in all_index.split(num_negative):
r_index = pos_r_index.unsqueeze(-1).expand(-1, len(neg_index))
t_index, h_index = torch.meshgrid(pos_t_index, neg_index)
h_pred = self.model(self.fact_graph, h_index, t_index, r_index, all_loss=all_loss, metric=metric)
h_pred =, dim=-1)
pred = torch.stack([t_pred, h_pred], dim=1)
# in case of GPU OOM
pred = pred.cpu()
# train
if self.strict_negative:
neg_index = self._strict_negative(pos_h_index, pos_t_index, pos_r_index)
neg_index = torch.randint(self.num_entity, (batch_size, self.num_negative), device=self.device)
h_index = pos_h_index.unsqueeze(-1).repeat(1, self.num_negative + 1)
t_index = pos_t_index.unsqueeze(-1).repeat(1, self.num_negative + 1)
r_index = pos_r_index.unsqueeze(-1).repeat(1, self.num_negative + 1)
t_index[:batch_size // 2, 1:] = neg_index[:batch_size // 2]
h_index[batch_size // 2:, 1:] = neg_index[batch_size // 2:]
pred = self.model(self.fact_graph, h_index, t_index, r_index, all_loss=all_loss, metric=metric)
return pred
def target(self, batch):
# test target
batch_size = len(batch)
pos_h_index, pos_t_index, pos_r_index = batch.t()
any = -torch.ones_like(pos_h_index)
pattern = torch.stack([pos_h_index, any, pos_r_index], dim=-1)
edge_index, num_t_truth = self.graph.match(pattern)
t_truth_index = self.graph.edge_list[edge_index, 1]
pos_index = torch.repeat_interleave(num_t_truth)
t_mask = torch.ones(batch_size, self.num_entity, dtype=torch.bool, device=self.device)
t_mask[pos_index, t_truth_index] = 0
pattern = torch.stack([any, pos_t_index, pos_r_index], dim=-1)
edge_index, num_h_truth = self.graph.match(pattern)
h_truth_index = self.graph.edge_list[edge_index, 0]
pos_index = torch.repeat_interleave(num_h_truth)
h_mask = torch.ones(batch_size, self.num_entity, dtype=torch.bool, device=self.device)
h_mask[pos_index, h_truth_index] = 0
mask = torch.stack([t_mask, h_mask], dim=1)
target = torch.stack([pos_t_index, pos_h_index], dim=1)
# in case of GPU OOM
return mask.cpu(), target.cpu()
def evaluate(self, pred, target):
mask, target = target
pos_pred = pred.gather(-1, target.unsqueeze(-1))
if self.filtered_ranking:
ranking = torch.sum((pos_pred <= pred) & mask, dim=-1) + 1
ranking = torch.sum(pos_pred <= pred, dim=-1) + 1
metric = {}
for _metric in self.metric:
if _metric == "mr":
score = ranking.float().mean()
elif _metric == "mrr":
score = (1 / ranking.float()).mean()
elif _metric.startswith("hits@"):
threshold = int(_metric[5:])
score = (ranking <= threshold).float().mean()
raise ValueError("Unknown metric `%s`" % _metric)
name = tasks._get_metric_name(_metric)
metric[name] = score
return metric
def visualize(self, batch):
h_index, t_index, r_index = batch.t()
return self.model.visualize(self.fact_graph, h_index, t_index, r_index)
def _strict_negative(self, pos_h_index, pos_t_index, pos_r_index):
batch_size = len(pos_h_index)
any = -torch.ones_like(pos_h_index)
pattern = torch.stack([pos_h_index, any, pos_r_index], dim=-1)
pattern = pattern[:batch_size // 2]
edge_index, num_t_truth = self.fact_graph.match(pattern)
t_truth_index = self.fact_graph.edge_list[edge_index, 1]
pos_index = torch.repeat_interleave(num_t_truth)
t_mask = torch.ones(len(pattern), self.num_entity, dtype=torch.bool, device=self.device)
t_mask[pos_index, t_truth_index] = 0
neg_t_candidate = t_mask.nonzero()[:, 1]
num_t_candidate = t_mask.sum(dim=-1)
neg_t_index = functional.variadic_sample(neg_t_candidate, num_t_candidate, self.num_negative)
pattern = torch.stack([any, pos_t_index, pos_r_index], dim=-1)
pattern = pattern[batch_size // 2:]
edge_index, num_h_truth = self.fact_graph.match(pattern)
h_truth_index = self.fact_graph.edge_list[edge_index, 0]
pos_index = torch.repeat_interleave(num_h_truth)
h_mask = torch.ones(len(pattern), self.num_entity, dtype=torch.bool, device=self.device)
h_mask[pos_index, h_truth_index] = 0
neg_h_candidate = h_mask.nonzero()[:, 1]
num_h_candidate = h_mask.sum(dim=-1)
neg_h_index = functional.variadic_sample(neg_h_candidate, num_h_candidate, self.num_negative)
neg_index =[neg_t_index, neg_h_index])
return neg_index