from torch import nn
from torch.nn import functional as F
from torchdrug import core
from torchdrug.layers import functional
from torchdrug.core import Registry as R
class ProteinLSTM(nn.Module, core.Configurable):
Protein LSTM proposed in `Evaluating Protein Transfer Learning with TAPE`_.
.. _Evaluating Protein Transfer Learning with TAPE:
input_dim (int): input dimension
hidden_dim (int, optional): hidden dimension
num_layers (int, optional): number of LSTM layers
activation (str or function, optional): activation function
layer_norm (bool, optional): apply layer normalization or not
dropout (float, optional): dropout ratio of input features
def __init__(self, input_dim, hidden_dim, num_layers, activation='tanh', layer_norm=False,
super(ProteinLSTM, self).__init__()
self.input_dim = input_dim
self.output_dim = hidden_dim # output_dim for node feature is 2 * hidden_dim
self.node_output_dim = 2 * hidden_dim
self.num_layers = num_layers
self.padding_id = input_dim - 1
self.embedding = nn.Linear(input_dim, hidden_dim)
if layer_norm:
self.layer_norm = nn.LayerNorm(hidden_dim)
self.layer_norm = None
if dropout:
self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout)
self.dropout = None
if isinstance(activation, str):
self.activation = getattr(F, activation)
self.activation = activation
self.lstm = nn.LSTM(hidden_dim, hidden_dim, num_layers, batch_first=True, dropout=dropout,
self.reweight = nn.Linear(2 * num_layers, 1)
self.linear = nn.Linear(hidden_dim, hidden_dim)
[docs] def forward(self, graph, input, all_loss=None, metric=None):
Compute the residue representations and the graph representation(s).
graph (Protein): :math:`n` protein(s)
input (Tensor): input node representations
all_loss (Tensor, optional): if specified, add loss to this tensor
metric (dict, optional): if specified, output metrics to this dict
dict with ``residue_feature`` and ``graph_feature`` fields:
residue representations of shape :math:`(|V_{res}|, d)`, graph representations of shape :math:`(n, d)`
input = graph.residue_feature.float()
input = functional.variadic_to_padded(input, graph.num_residues, value=self.padding_id)[0]
input = self.embedding(input)
if self.layer_norm:
input = self.layer_norm(input)
if self.dropout:
input = self.dropout(input)
output, hidden = self.lstm(input)
residue_feature = functional.padded_to_variadic(output, graph.num_residues)
# (2 * num_layer, B, d)
graph_feature = self.reweight(hidden[0].permute(1, 2, 0)).squeeze(-1)
graph_feature = self.linear(graph_feature)
graph_feature = self.activation(graph_feature)
return {
"graph_feature": graph_feature,
"residue_feature": residue_feature