Source code for torchdrug.models.esm

import os
import warnings

import torch
from torch import nn
import esm

from torchdrug import core, layers, utils, data
from torchdrug.layers import functional
from torchdrug.core import Registry as R

[docs]@R.register("models.ESM") class EvolutionaryScaleModeling(nn.Module, core.Configurable): """ The protein language model, Evolutionary Scale Modeling (ESM) proposed in `Biological Structure and Function Emerge from Scaling Unsupervised Learning to 250 Million Protein Sequences`_. .. _Biological Structure and Function Emerge from Scaling Unsupervised Learning to 250 Million Protein Sequences: Parameters: path (str): path to store ESM model weights model (str, optional): model name. Available model names are ``ESM-1b``, ``ESM-1v`` and ``ESM-1b-regression``. readout (str, optional): readout function. Available functions are ``sum`` and ``mean``. """ url = { "ESM-1b": "", "ESM-1v": "", "ESM-1b-regression": "", "ESM-2-8M": "", "ESM-2-35M": "", "ESM-2-150M": "", "ESM-2-650M": "", "ESM-2-3B": "", "ESM-2-15B": "", } md5 = { "ESM-1b": "ba8914bc3358cae2254ebc8874ee67f6", "ESM-1v": "1f04c2d2636b02b544ecb5fbbef8fefd", "ESM-1b-regression": "e7fe626dfd516fb6824bd1d30192bdb1", "ESM-2-8M": "8039fc9cee7f71cd2633b13b5a38ff50", "ESM-2-35M": "a894ddb31522e511e1273abb23b5f974", "ESM-2-150M": "229fcf8f9f3d4d442215662ca001b906", "ESM-2-650M": "ba6d997e29db07a2ad9dca20e024b102", "ESM-2-3B": "d37a0d0dbe7431e48a72072b9180b16b", "ESM-2-15B": "af61a9c0b792ae50e244cde443b7f4ac", } output_dim = { "ESM-1b": 1280, "ESM-1v": 1280, "ESM-2-8M": 320, "ESM-2-35M": 480, "ESM-2-150M": 640, "ESM-2-650M": 1280, "ESM-2-3B": 2560, "ESM-2-15B": 5120, } num_layer = { "ESM-1b": 33, "ESM-1v": 33, "ESM-2-8M": 6, "ESM-2-35M": 12, "ESM-2-150M": 30, "ESM-2-650M": 33, "ESM-2-3B": 36, "ESM-2-15B": 48, } max_input_length = 1024 - 2 def __init__(self, path, model="ESM-1b", readout="mean"): super(EvolutionaryScaleModeling, self).__init__() path = os.path.expanduser(path) if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) self.path = path _model, alphabet = self.load_weight(path, model) self.alphabet = alphabet mapping = self.construct_mapping(alphabet) self.output_dim = self.output_dim[model] self.model = _model self.alphabet = alphabet self.repr_layer = self.num_layer[model] self.register_buffer("mapping", mapping) if readout == "sum": self.readout = layers.SumReadout("residue") elif readout == "mean": self.readout = layers.MeanReadout("residue") else: raise ValueError("Unknown readout `%s`" % readout) def load_weight(self, path, model): if model not in self.url: raise ValueError("Unknown model `%s`" % model) model_file =[model], path, md5=self.md5[model]) model_data = torch.load(model_file, map_location="cpu") if model != "ESM-1v" and not model.startswith("ESM-2"): regression_model = "%s-regression" % model regression_file =[regression_model], path, md5=self.md5[regression_model]) regression_data = torch.load(regression_file, map_location="cpu") else: regression_data = None model_name = os.path.basename(self.url[model]) return esm.pretrained.load_model_and_alphabet_core(model_name, model_data, regression_data) def construct_mapping(self, alphabet): mapping = [-1] * max(len(data.Protein.id2residue_symbol), len(self.alphabet)) for i, token in data.Protein.id2residue_symbol.items(): mapping[i] = alphabet.get_idx(token) mapping = torch.tensor(mapping) return mapping
[docs] def forward(self, graph, input, all_loss=None, metric=None): """ Compute the residue representations and the graph representation(s). Parameters: graph (Protein): :math:`n` protein(s) input (Tensor): input node representations all_loss (Tensor, optional): if specified, add loss to this tensor metric (dict, optional): if specified, output metrics to this dict Returns: dict with ``residue_feature`` and ``graph_feature`` fields: residue representations of shape :math:`(|V_{res}|, d)`, graph representations of shape :math:`(n, d)` """ input = graph.residue_type input = self.mapping[input] input[input == -1] = graph.residue_type[input == -1] size = graph.num_residues if (size > self.max_input_length).any(): warnings.warn("ESM can only encode proteins within %d residues. Truncate the input to fit into ESM." % self.max_input_length) starts = size.cumsum(0) - size size = size.clamp(max=self.max_input_length) ends = starts + size mask = functional.multi_slice_mask(starts, ends, graph.num_residue) input = input[mask] graph = graph.subresidue(mask) size_ext = size if self.alphabet.prepend_bos: bos = torch.ones(graph.batch_size, dtype=torch.long, device=self.device) * self.alphabet.cls_idx input, size_ext = functional._extend(bos, torch.ones_like(size_ext), input, size_ext) if self.alphabet.append_eos: eos = torch.ones(graph.batch_size, dtype=torch.long, device=self.device) * self.alphabet.eos_idx input, size_ext = functional._extend(input, size_ext, eos, torch.ones_like(size_ext)) input = functional.variadic_to_padded(input, size_ext, value=self.alphabet.padding_idx)[0] output = self.model(input, repr_layers=[self.repr_layer]) residue_feature = output["representations"][self.repr_layer] residue_feature = functional.padded_to_variadic(residue_feature, size_ext) starts = size_ext.cumsum(0) - size_ext if self.alphabet.prepend_bos: starts = starts + 1 ends = starts + size mask = functional.multi_slice_mask(starts, ends, len(residue_feature)) residue_feature = residue_feature[mask] graph_feature = self.readout(graph, residue_feature) return { "graph_feature": graph_feature, "residue_feature": residue_feature }