Source code for torchdrug.layers.functional.functional

import torch
from torch_scatter import scatter_add, scatter_mean, scatter_max
from torch_scatter.composite import scatter_log_softmax, scatter_softmax
from torch.nn import functional as F

[docs]def multinomial(input, num_sample, replacement=False): """ Fast multinomial sampling. This is the default implementation in PyTorch v1.6.0+. Parameters: input (Tensor): unnormalized distribution num_sample (int): number of samples replacement (bool, optional): sample with replacement or not """ if replacement: return torch.multinomial(input, num_sample, replacement) rand = torch.rand_like(input).log() / input samples = rand.topk(num_sample).indices return samples
[docs]def masked_mean(input, mask, dim=None, keepdim=False): """ Masked mean of a tensor. Parameters: input (Tensor): input tensor mask (BoolTensor): mask tensor dim (int or tuple of int, optional): dimension to reduce keepdim (bool, optional): whether retain ``dim`` or not """ input = input.masked_scatter(~mask, torch.zeros_like(input)) # safe with nan if dim is None: return input.sum() / mask.sum().clamp(1) return input.sum(dim, keepdim=keepdim) / mask.sum(dim, keepdim=keepdim).clamp(1)
[docs]def mean_with_nan(input, dim=None, keepdim=False): """ Mean of a tensor. Ignore all nan values. Parameters: input (Tensor): input tensor dim (int or tuple of int, optional): dimension to reduce keepdim (bool, optional): whether retain ``dim`` or not """ mask = ~torch.isnan(input) return masked_mean(input, mask, dim, keepdim)
[docs]def shifted_softplus(input): """ Shifted softplus function. Parameters: input (Tensor): input tensor """ return F.softplus(input) - F.softplus(torch.zeros(1, device=input.device))
[docs]def multi_slice(starts, ends): """ Compute the union of indexes in multiple slices. Example:: >>> mask = multi_slice(torch.tensor([0, 1, 4]), torch.tensor([2, 3, 6]), 6) >>> assert (mask == torch.tensor([0, 1, 2, 4, 5]).all() Parameters: starts (LongTensor): start indexes of slices ends (LongTensor): end indexes of slices """ values =[torch.ones_like(starts), -torch.ones_like(ends)]) slices =[starts, ends]) slices, order = slices.sort() values = values[order] depth = values.cumsum(0) valid = ((values == 1) & (depth == 1)) | ((values == -1) & (depth == 0)) slices = slices[valid] starts, ends = slices.view(-1, 2).t() size = ends - starts indexes = variadic_arange(size) indexes = indexes + starts.repeat_interleave(size) return indexes
[docs]def multi_slice_mask(starts, ends, length): """ Compute the union of multiple slices into a binary mask. Example:: >>> mask = multi_slice_mask(torch.tensor([0, 1, 4]), torch.tensor([2, 3, 6]), 6) >>> assert (mask == torch.tensor([1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1])).all() Parameters: starts (LongTensor): start indexes of slices ends (LongTensor): end indexes of slices length (int): length of mask """ values =[torch.ones_like(starts), -torch.ones_like(ends)]) slices =[starts, ends]) if slices.numel(): assert slices.min() >= 0 and slices.max() <= length mask = scatter_add(values, slices, dim=0, dim_size=length + 1)[:-1] mask = mask.cumsum(0).bool() return mask
[docs]def as_mask(indexes, length): """ Convert indexes into a binary mask. Parameters: indexes (LongTensor): positive indexes length (int): maximal possible value of indexes """ mask = torch.zeros(length, dtype=torch.bool, device=indexes.device) mask[indexes] = 1 return mask
def _extend(data, size, input, input_size): """ Extend variadic-sized data with variadic-sized input. This is a variadic variant of ``[data, input], dim=-1)``. Example:: >>> data = torch.tensor([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]) >>> size = torch.tensor([3, 2]) >>> input = torch.tensor([-1, -2, -3]) >>> input_size = torch.tensor([1, 2]) >>> new_data, new_size = _extend(data, size, input, input_size) >>> assert (new_data == torch.tensor([0, 1, 2, -1, 3, 4, -2, -3])).all() >>> assert (new_size == torch.tensor([4, 4])).all() Parameters: data (Tensor): variadic data size (LongTensor): size of data input (Tensor): variadic input input_size (LongTensor): size of input Returns: (Tensor, LongTensor): output data, output size """ new_size = size + input_size new_cum_size = new_size.cumsum(0) new_data = torch.zeros(new_cum_size[-1], *data.shape[1:], dtype=data.dtype, device=data.device) starts = new_cum_size - new_size ends = starts + size index = multi_slice_mask(starts, ends, new_cum_size[-1]) new_data[index] = data new_data[~index] = input return new_data, new_size
[docs]def variadic_sum(input, size): """ Compute sum over sets with variadic sizes. Suppose there are :math:`N` sets, and the sizes of all sets are summed to :math:`B`. Parameters: input (Tensor): input of shape :math:`(B, ...)` size (LongTensor): size of sets of shape :math:`(N,)` """ index2sample = torch.repeat_interleave(size) index2sample = index2sample.view([-1] + [1] * (input.ndim - 1)) index2sample = index2sample.expand_as(input) value = scatter_add(input, index2sample, dim=0) return value
[docs]def variadic_mean(input, size): """ Compute mean over sets with variadic sizes. Suppose there are :math:`N` sets, and the sizes of all sets are summed to :math:`B`. Parameters: input (Tensor): input of shape :math:`(B, ...)` size (LongTensor): size of sets of shape :math:`(N,)` """ index2sample = torch.repeat_interleave(size) index2sample = index2sample.view([-1] + [1] * (input.ndim - 1)) index2sample = index2sample.expand_as(input) value = scatter_mean(input, index2sample, dim=0) return value
[docs]def variadic_max(input, size): """ Compute max over sets with variadic sizes. Suppose there are :math:`N` sets, and the sizes of all sets are summed to :math:`B`. Parameters: input (Tensor): input of shape :math:`(B, ...)` size (LongTensor): size of sets of shape :math:`(N,)` Returns (Tensor, LongTensor): max values and indexes """ index2sample = torch.repeat_interleave(size) index2sample = index2sample.view([-1] + [1] * (input.ndim - 1)) index2sample = index2sample.expand_as(input) value, index = scatter_max(input, index2sample, dim=0) index = index + (size - size.cumsum(0)).view([-1] + [1] * (index.ndim - 1)) return value, index
[docs]def variadic_log_softmax(input, size): """ Compute log softmax over categories with variadic sizes. Suppose there are :math:`N` samples, and the numbers of categories in all samples are summed to :math:`B`. Parameters: input (Tensor): input of shape :math:`(B, ...)` size (LongTensor): number of categories of shape :math:`(N,)` """ index2sample = torch.repeat_interleave(size) index2sample = index2sample.view([-1] + [1] * (input.ndim - 1)) index2sample = index2sample.expand_as(input) log_likelihood = scatter_log_softmax(input, index2sample, dim=0) return log_likelihood
[docs]def variadic_softmax(input, size): """ Compute softmax over categories with variadic sizes. Suppose there are :math:`N` samples, and the numbers of categories in all samples are summed to :math:`B`. Parameters: input (Tensor): input of shape :math:`(B, ...)` size (LongTensor): number of categories of shape :math:`(N,)` """ index2sample = torch.repeat_interleave(size) index2sample = index2sample.view([-1] + [1] * (input.ndim - 1)) index2sample = index2sample.expand_as(input) log_likelihood = scatter_softmax(input, index2sample, dim=0) return log_likelihood
[docs]def variadic_cross_entropy(input, target, size, reduction="mean"): """ Compute cross entropy loss over categories with variadic sizes. Suppose there are :math:`N` samples, and the numbers of categories in all samples are summed to :math:`B`. Parameters: input (Tensor): prediction of shape :math:`(B, ...)` target (Tensor): target of shape :math:`(N, ...)`. Each target is a relative index in a sample. size (LongTensor): number of categories of shape :math:`(N,)` reduction (string, optional): reduction to apply to the output. Available reductions are ``none``, ``sum`` and ``mean``. """ index2sample = torch.repeat_interleave(size) index2sample = index2sample.view([-1] + [1] * (input.ndim - 1)) index2sample = index2sample.expand_as(input) log_likelihood = scatter_log_softmax(input, index2sample, dim=0) size = size.view([-1] + [1] * (input.ndim - 1)) assert (target >= 0).all() and (target < size).all() target_index = target + size.cumsum(0) - size loss = -log_likelihood.gather(0, target_index) if reduction == "mean": return loss.mean() elif reduction == "sum": return loss.sum() elif reduction == "none": return loss else: raise ValueError("Unknown reduction `%s`" % reduction)
[docs]def variadic_topk(input, size, k, largest=True): """ Compute the :math:`k` largest elements over sets with variadic sizes. Suppose there are :math:`N` sets, and the sizes of all sets are summed to :math:`B`. If any set has less than than :math:`k` elements, the size-th largest element will be repeated to pad the output to :math:`k`. Parameters: input (Tensor): input of shape :math:`(B, ...)` size (LongTensor): size of sets of shape :math:`(N,)` k (int or LongTensor): the k in "top-k". Can be a fixed value for all sets, or different values for different sets of shape :math:`(N,)`. largest (bool, optional): return largest or smallest elements Returns (Tensor, LongTensor): top-k values and indexes """ index2graph = torch.repeat_interleave(size) index2graph = index2graph.view([-1] + [1] * (input.ndim - 1)) mask = ~torch.isinf(input) max = input[mask].max().item() min = input[mask].min().item() abs_max = input[mask].abs().max().item() # special case: max = min gap = max - min + abs_max * 1e-6 safe_input = input.clamp(min - gap, max + gap) offset = gap * 4 if largest: offset = -offset input_ext = safe_input + offset * index2graph index_ext = input_ext.argsort(dim=0, descending=largest) if isinstance(k, torch.Tensor) and k.shape == size.shape: num_actual = torch.min(size, k) else: num_actual = size.clamp(max=k) num_padding = k - num_actual starts = size.cumsum(0) - size ends = starts + num_actual mask = multi_slice_mask(starts, ends, len(index_ext)).nonzero().flatten() if (num_padding > 0).any(): # special case: size < k, pad with the last valid index padding = ends - 1 padding2graph = torch.repeat_interleave(num_padding) mask = _extend(mask, num_actual, padding[padding2graph], num_padding)[0] index = index_ext[mask] # (N * k, ...) value = input.gather(0, index) if isinstance(k, torch.Tensor) and k.shape == size.shape: value = value.view(-1, *input.shape[1:]) index = index.view(-1, *input.shape[1:]) index = index - (size.cumsum(0) - size).repeat_interleave(k).view([-1] + [1] * (index.ndim - 1)) else: value = value.view(-1, k, *input.shape[1:]) index = index.view(-1, k, *input.shape[1:]) index = index - (size.cumsum(0) - size).view([-1] + [1] * (index.ndim - 1)) return value, index
[docs]def variadic_sort(input, size, descending=False): """ Sort elements in sets with variadic sizes. Suppose there are :math:`N` sets, and the sizes of all sets are summed to :math:`B`. Parameters: input (Tensor): input of shape :math:`(B, ...)` size (LongTensor): size of sets of shape :math:`(N,)` descending (bool, optional): return ascending or descending order Returns (Tensor, LongTensor): sorted values and indexes """ index2sample = torch.repeat_interleave(size) index2sample = index2sample.view([-1] + [1] * (input.ndim - 1)) mask = ~torch.isinf(input) max = input[mask].max().item() min = input[mask].min().item() abs_max = input[mask].abs().max().item() # special case: max = min gap = max - min + abs_max * 1e-6 safe_input = input.clamp(min - gap, max + gap) offset = gap * 4 if descending: offset = -offset input_ext = safe_input + offset * index2sample index = input_ext.argsort(dim=0, descending=descending) value = input.gather(0, index) index = index - (size.cumsum(0) - size)[index2sample] return value, index
[docs]def variadic_arange(size): """ Return a 1-D tensor that contains integer intervals of variadic sizes. This is a variadic variant of ``torch.arange(stop).expand(batch_size, -1)``. Suppose there are :math:`N` intervals. Parameters: size (LongTensor): size of intervals of shape :math:`(N,)` """ starts = size.cumsum(0) - size range = torch.arange(size.sum(), device=size.device) range = range - starts.repeat_interleave(size) return range
[docs]def variadic_randperm(size): """ Return random permutations for sets with variadic sizes. The ``i``-th permutation contains integers from 0 to ``size[i] - 1``. Suppose there are :math:`N` sets. Parameters: size (LongTensor): size of sets of shape :math:`(N,)` device (torch.device, optional): device of the tensor """ rand = torch.rand(size.sum(), device=size.device) perm = variadic_sort(rand, size)[1] return perm
[docs]def variadic_sample(input, size, num_sample): """ Draw samples with replacement from sets with variadic sizes. Suppose there are :math:`N` sets, and the sizes of all sets are summed to :math:`B`. Parameters: input (Tensor): input of shape :math:`(B, ...)` size (LongTensor): size of sets of shape :math:`(N,)` num_sample (int): number of samples to draw from each set """ rand = torch.rand(len(size), num_sample, device=size.device) index = (rand * size.unsqueeze(-1)).long() index = index + (size.cumsum(0) - size).unsqueeze(-1) sample = input[index] return sample
[docs]def variadic_meshgrid(input1, size1, input2, size2): """ Compute the Cartesian product for two batches of sets with variadic sizes. Suppose there are :math:`N` sets in each input, and the sizes of all sets are summed to :math:`B_1` and :math:`B_2` respectively. Parameters: input1 (Tensor): input of shape :math:`(B_1, ...)` size1 (LongTensor): size of :attr:`input1` of shape :math:`(N,)` input2 (Tensor): input of shape :math:`(B_2, ...)` size2 (LongTensor): size of :attr:`input2` of shape :math:`(N,)` Returns (Tensor, Tensor): the first and the second elements in the Cartesian product """ grid_size = size1 * size2 local_index = variadic_arange(grid_size) local_inner_size = size2.repeat_interleave(grid_size) offset1 = (size1.cumsum(0) - size1).repeat_interleave(grid_size) offset2 = (size2.cumsum(0) - size2).repeat_interleave(grid_size) index1 = torch.div(local_index, local_inner_size, rounding_mode="floor") + offset1 index2 = local_index % local_inner_size + offset2 return input1[index1], input2[index2]
[docs]def variadic_to_padded(input, size, value=0): """ Convert a variadic tensor to a padded tensor. Suppose there are :math:`N` sets, and the sizes of all sets are summed to :math:`B`. Parameters: input (Tensor): input of shape :math:`(B, ...)` size (LongTensor): size of sets of shape :math:`(N,)` value (scalar): fill value for padding Returns: (Tensor, BoolTensor): padded tensor and mask """ num_sample = len(size) max_size = size.max() starts = torch.arange(num_sample, device=size.device) * max_size ends = starts + size mask = multi_slice_mask(starts, ends, num_sample * max_size) mask = mask.view(num_sample, max_size) shape = (num_sample, max_size) + input.shape[1:] padded = torch.full(shape, value, dtype=input.dtype, device=size.device) padded[mask] = input return padded, mask
[docs]def padded_to_variadic(padded, size): """ Convert a padded tensor to a variadic tensor. Parameters: padded (Tensor): padded tensor of shape :math:`(N, ...)` size (LongTensor): size of sets of shape :math:`(N,)` """ num_sample, max_size = padded.shape[:2] starts = torch.arange(num_sample, device=size.device) * max_size ends = starts + size mask = multi_slice_mask(starts, ends, num_sample * max_size) mask = mask.view(num_sample, max_size) return padded[mask]
[docs]def one_hot(index, size): """ Expand indexes into one-hot vectors. Parameters: index (Tensor): index size (int): size of the one-hot dimension """ shape = list(index.shape) + [size] result = torch.zeros(shape, device=index.device) if index.numel(): assert index.min() >= 0 assert index.max() < size result.scatter_(-1, index.unsqueeze(-1), 1) return result
def clipped_policy_gradient_objective(policy, agent, reward, eps=0.2): ratio = (policy - agent.detach()).exp() ratio = ratio.clamp(-10, 10) objective = torch.min(ratio * reward, ratio.clamp(1 - eps, 1 + eps) * reward) return objective def policy_gradient_objective(policy, reward): return policy * reward