Source code for torchdrug.datasets.uspto50k

import os
import copy
from collections import defaultdict

import numpy as np
import networkx as nx
from tqdm import tqdm
from rdkit import Chem

import torch
from torch.utils import data as torch_data
from torch_scatter import scatter_max

from torchdrug import data, utils
from torchdrug.core import Registry as R

[docs]@R.register("datasets.USPTO50k") @utils.copy_args(data.ReactionDataset.load_csv, ignore=("smiles_field", "target_fields")) class USPTO50k(data.ReactionDataset): """ Chemical reactions extracted from USPTO patents. Statistics: - #Reaction: 50,017 - #Reaction class: 10 Parameters: path (str): path to store the dataset as_synthon (bool, optional): whether decompose (reactant, product) pairs into (reactant, synthon) pairs verbose (int, optional): output verbose level **kwargs """ target_fields = ["class"] target_alias = {"class": "reaction"} reaction_names = ["Heteroatom alkylation and arylation", "Acylation and related processes", "C-C bond formation", "Heterocycle formation", "Protections", "Deprotections", "Reductions", "Oxidations", "Functional group interconversion (FGI)", "Functional group addition (FGA)"] url = "" md5 = "404c361dd1568fbdb4d16ca588953749" def __init__(self, path, as_synthon=False, verbose=1, **kwargs): path = os.path.expanduser(path) if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) self.path = path self.as_synthon = as_synthon file_name =, path, md5=self.md5) self.load_csv(file_name, smiles_field="rxn_smiles", target_fields=self.target_fields, verbose=verbose, **kwargs) if as_synthon: prefix = "Computing synthons" process_fn = self._get_synthon else: prefix = "Computing reaction centers" process_fn = self._get_reaction_center data = targets = self.targets = [] self.targets = defaultdict(list) indexes = range(len(data)) if verbose: indexes = tqdm(indexes, prefix) invalid = 0 for i in indexes: reactant, product = data[i] reactant.bond_stereo[:] = 0 product.bond_stereo[:] = 0 reactants, products = process_fn(reactant, product) if not reactants: invalid += 1 continue += zip(reactants, products) for k in targets: new_k = self.target_alias.get(k, k) self.targets[new_k] += [targets[k][i] - 1] * len(reactants) self.targets["sample id"] += [i] * len(reactants) self.valid_rate = 1 - invalid / len(data) def _get_difference(self, reactant, product): product2id = product.atom_map id2reactant = torch.zeros(product2id.max() + 1, dtype=torch.long) id2reactant[reactant.atom_map] = torch.arange(reactant.num_node) prod2react = id2reactant[product2id] # check edges in the product product = product.directed() # O(n^2) brute-force match is faster than O(nlogn) data.Graph.match for small molecules mapped_edge = product.edge_list.clone() mapped_edge[:, :2] = prod2react[mapped_edge[:, :2]] is_same_index = mapped_edge.unsqueeze(0) == reactant.edge_list.unsqueeze(1) has_typed_edge = is_same_index.all(dim=-1).any(dim=0) has_edge = is_same_index[:, :, :2].all(dim=-1).any(dim=0) is_added = ~has_edge is_modified = has_edge & ~has_typed_edge edge_added = product.edge_list[is_added, :2] edge_modified = product.edge_list[is_modified, :2] return edge_added, edge_modified, prod2react def _get_reaction_center(self, reactant, product): edge_added, edge_modified, prod2react = self._get_difference(reactant, product) edge_label = torch.zeros(product.num_edge, dtype=torch.long) node_label = torch.zeros(product.num_node, dtype=torch.long) if len(edge_added) > 0: if len(edge_added) == 1: # add a single edge any = -torch.ones(1, 1, dtype=torch.long) pattern =[edge_added, any], dim=-1) index, num_match = product.match(pattern) assert num_match.item() == 1 edge_label[index] = 1 h, t = edge_added[0] reaction_center = torch.tensor([product.atom_map[h], product.atom_map[t]]) else: if len(edge_modified) == 1: # modify a single edge h, t = edge_modified[0] if product.degree_in[h] == 1: node_label[h] = 1 reaction_center = torch.tensor([product.atom_map[h], 0]) elif product.degree_in[t] == 1: node_label[t] = 1 reaction_center = torch.tensor([product.atom_map[t], 0]) else: # pretend the reaction center is h node_label[h] = 1 reaction_center = torch.tensor([product.atom_map[h], 0]) else: product_hs = torch.tensor([atom.GetTotalNumHs() for atom in product.to_molecule().GetAtoms()]) reactant_hs = torch.tensor([atom.GetTotalNumHs() for atom in reactant.to_molecule().GetAtoms()]) atom_modified = (product_hs != reactant_hs[prod2react]).nonzero().flatten() if len(atom_modified) == 1: # modify single node node_label[atom_modified] = 1 reaction_center = torch.tensor([product.atom_map[atom_modified[0]], 0]) if edge_label.sum() + node_label.sum() == 0: return [], [] with product.edge(): product.edge_label = edge_label with product.node(): product.node_label = node_label with reactant.graph(): reactant.reaction_center = reaction_center with product.graph(): product.reaction_center = reaction_center return [reactant], [product] def _get_synthon(self, reactant, product): edge_added, edge_modified, prod2react = self._get_difference(reactant, product) reactants = [] synthons = [] if len(edge_added) > 0: if len(edge_added) == 1: # add a single edge reverse_edge = edge_added.flip(1) any = -torch.ones(2, 1, dtype=torch.long) pattern =[edge_added, reverse_edge]) pattern =[pattern, any], dim=-1) index, num_match = product.match(pattern) edge_mask = torch.ones(product.num_edge, dtype=torch.bool) edge_mask[index] = 0 product = product.edge_mask(edge_mask) _reactants = reactant.connected_components()[0] _synthons = product.connected_components()[0] assert len(_synthons) >= len(_reactants) # because a few samples contain multiple products h, t = edge_added[0] reaction_center = torch.tensor([product.atom_map[h], product.atom_map[t]]) with _reactants.graph(): _reactants.reaction_center = reaction_center.expand(len(_reactants), -1) with _synthons.graph(): _synthons.reaction_center = reaction_center.expand(len(_synthons), -1) # reactant / sython can be uniquely indexed by their maximal atom mapping ID reactant_id = scatter_max(_reactants.atom_map, _reactants.node2graph, dim_size=len(_reactants))[0] synthon_id = scatter_max(_synthons.atom_map, _synthons.node2graph, dim_size=len(_synthons))[0] react2synthon = (reactant_id.unsqueeze(-1) == synthon_id.unsqueeze(0)).long().argmax(-1) react2synthon = react2synthon.tolist() for r, s in enumerate(react2synthon): reactants.append(_reactants[r]) synthons.append(_synthons[s]) else: num_cc = reactant.connected_components()[1] assert num_cc == 1 if len(edge_modified) == 1: # modify a single edge synthon = product h, t = edge_modified[0] if product.degree_in[h] == 1: reaction_center = torch.tensor([product.atom_map[h], 0]) elif product.degree_in[t] == 1: reaction_center = torch.tensor([product.atom_map[t], 0]) else: # pretend the reaction center is h reaction_center = torch.tensor([product.atom_map[h], 0]) with reactant.graph(): reactant.reaction_center = reaction_center with synthon.graph(): synthon.reaction_center = reaction_center reactants.append(reactant) synthons.append(synthon) else: product_hs = torch.tensor([atom.GetTotalNumHs() for atom in product.to_molecule().GetAtoms()]) reactant_hs = torch.tensor([atom.GetTotalNumHs() for atom in reactant.to_molecule().GetAtoms()]) atom_modified = (product_hs != reactant_hs[prod2react]).nonzero().flatten() if len(atom_modified) == 1: # modify single node synthon = product reaction_center = torch.tensor([product.atom_map[atom_modified[0]], 0]) with reactant.graph(): reactant.reaction_center = reaction_center with synthon.graph(): synthon.reaction_center = reaction_center reactants.append(reactant) synthons.append(synthon) return reactants, synthons def split(self, ratios=(0.8, 0.1, 0.1)): react2index = defaultdict(list) react2sample = defaultdict(list) for i in range(len(self)): reaction = self.targets["reaction"][i] sample_id = self.targets["sample id"][i] react2index[reaction].append(i) react2sample[reaction].append(sample_id) indexes = [[] for _ in ratios] for reaction in react2index: num_sample = len(set(react2sample[reaction])) key_lengths = [int(round(num_sample * ratio)) for ratio in ratios] key_lengths[-1] = num_sample - sum(key_lengths[:-1]) react_indexes = data.key_split(react2index[reaction], react2sample[reaction], key_lengths=key_lengths) for index, react_index in zip(indexes, react_indexes): index += [i for i in react_index] return [torch_data.Subset(self, index) for index in indexes] @property def num_reaction_type(self): return len(self.reaction_types) @utils.cached_property def reaction_types(self): """All reaction types.""" return sorted(set(["class"]))