Source code for

import math
import warnings
from copy import copy
from import Sequence

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from rdkit import Chem
from rdkit.Chem.Scaffolds import MurckoScaffold
import torch
from torch_scatter import scatter_add, scatter_min

from torchdrug import utils
from import constant, Graph, PackedGraph
from torchdrug.core import Registry as R
from import draw
from torchdrug.utils import pretty


[docs]class Molecule(Graph): """ Molecules with predefined chemical features. By nature, molecules are undirected graphs. Each bond is stored as two directed edges in this class. .. warning:: This class doesn't enforce any order on edges. Parameters: edge_list (array_like, optional): list of edges of shape :math:`(|E|, 3)`. Each tuple is (node_in, node_out, bond_type). atom_type (array_like, optional): atom types of shape :math:`(|V|,)` bond_type (array_like, optional): bond types of shape :math:`(|E|,)` formal_charge (array_like, optional): formal charges of shape :math:`(|V|,)` explicit_hs (array_like, optional): number of explicit hydrogens of shape :math:`(|V|,)` chiral_tag (array_like, optional): chirality tags of shape :math:`(|V|,)` radical_electrons (array_like, optional): number of radical electrons of shape :math:`(|V|,)` atom_map (array_likeb optional): atom mappings of shape :math:`(|V|,)` bond_stereo (array_like, optional): bond stereochem of shape :math:`(|E|,)` stereo_atoms (array_like, optional): ids of stereo atoms of shape :math:`(|E|,)` """ bond2id = {"SINGLE": 0, "DOUBLE": 1, "TRIPLE": 2, "AROMATIC": 3} atom2valence = {1: 1, 5: 3, 6: 4, 7: 3, 8: 2, 9: 1, 14: 4, 15: 5, 16: 6, 17: 1, 35: 1, 53: 7} bond2valence = [1, 2, 3, 1.5] id2bond = {v: k for k, v in bond2id.items()} empty_mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles("") dummy_mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles("CC") def __init__(self, edge_list=None, atom_type=None, bond_type=None, atom_feature=None, bond_feature=None, mol_feature=None, formal_charge=None, explicit_hs=None, chiral_tag=None, radical_electrons=None, atom_map=None, bond_stereo=None, stereo_atoms=None, node_position=None, **kwargs): if "num_relation" not in kwargs: kwargs["num_relation"] = len(self.bond2id) super(Molecule, self).__init__(edge_list=edge_list, **kwargs) atom_type, bond_type = self._standarize_atom_bond(atom_type, bond_type) formal_charge = self._standarize_attribute(formal_charge, self.num_node) explicit_hs = self._standarize_attribute(explicit_hs, self.num_node) chiral_tag = self._standarize_attribute(chiral_tag, self.num_node) radical_electrons = self._standarize_attribute(radical_electrons, self.num_node) atom_map = self._standarize_attribute(atom_map, self.num_node) bond_stereo = self._standarize_attribute(bond_stereo, self.num_edge) stereo_atoms = self._standarize_attribute(stereo_atoms, (self.num_edge, 2)) if node_position is not None: node_position = torch.as_tensor(node_position, dtype=torch.float, device=self.device) with self.atom(): if atom_feature is not None: self.atom_feature = torch.as_tensor(atom_feature, device=self.device) self.atom_type = atom_type self.formal_charge = formal_charge self.explicit_hs = explicit_hs self.chiral_tag = chiral_tag self.radical_electrons = radical_electrons self.atom_map = atom_map if node_position is not None: self.node_position = node_position with if bond_feature is not None: self.bond_feature = torch.as_tensor(bond_feature, device=self.device) self.bond_type = bond_type self.bond_stereo = bond_stereo self.stereo_atoms = stereo_atoms with self.mol(): if mol_feature is not None: self.mol_feature = torch.as_tensor(mol_feature, device=self.device) def _standarize_atom_bond(self, atom_type, bond_type): if atom_type is None: raise ValueError("`atom_type` should be provided") if bond_type is None: raise ValueError("`bond_type` should be provided") atom_type = torch.as_tensor(atom_type, dtype=torch.long, device=self.device) bond_type = torch.as_tensor(bond_type, dtype=torch.long, device=self.device) return atom_type, bond_type def _standarize_attribute(self, attribute, size, dtype=torch.long, default=0): if attribute is not None: attribute = torch.as_tensor(attribute, dtype=dtype, device=self.device) else: if isinstance(size, torch.Tensor): size = size.tolist() if not isinstance(size, Sequence): size = [size] attribute = torch.full(size, default, dtype=dtype, device=self.device) return attribute @classmethod def _standarize_option(cls, option): if option is None: option = [] elif isinstance(option, str): option = [option] return option def _check_no_stereo(self): if (self.bond_stereo > 0).any(): warnings.warn("Try to apply masks on molecules with stereo bonds. This may produce invalid molecules. " "To discard stereo information, call `mol.bond_stereo[:] = 0` before applying masks.") def _maybe_num_node(self, edge_list): if len(edge_list): return edge_list[:, :2].max().item() + 1 else: return 0
[docs] @classmethod @utils.deprecated_alias(node_feature="atom_feature", edge_feature="bond_feature", graph_feature="mol_feature") def from_molecule(cls, mol, atom_feature="default", bond_feature="default", mol_feature=None, with_hydrogen=False, kekulize=False): """ Create a molecule from an RDKit object. Parameters: mol (rdchem.Mol): molecule atom_feature (str or list of str, optional): atom features to extract bond_feature (str or list of str, optional): bond features to extract mol_feature (str or list of str, optional): molecule features to extract with_hydrogen (bool, optional): store hydrogens in the molecule graph. By default, hydrogens are dropped kekulize (bool, optional): convert aromatic bonds to single/double bonds. Note this only affects the relation in ``edge_list``. For ``bond_type``, aromatic bonds are always stored explicitly. By default, aromatic bonds are stored. """ if mol is None: mol = cls.empty_mol # some RDKit operations are in-place # copy the object to avoid undesired behavior in the caller mol = copy(mol) if with_hydrogen: mol = Chem.AddHs(mol) if kekulize: Chem.Kekulize(mol) atom_feature = cls._standarize_option(atom_feature) bond_feature = cls._standarize_option(bond_feature) mol_feature = cls._standarize_option(mol_feature) atom_type = [] formal_charge = [] explicit_hs = [] chiral_tag = [] radical_electrons = [] atom_map = [] _atom_feature = [] dummy_atom = copy(cls.dummy_mol).GetAtomWithIdx(0) atoms = [mol.GetAtomWithIdx(i) for i in range(mol.GetNumAtoms())] + [dummy_atom] if mol.GetNumConformers() > 0: node_position = torch.tensor(mol.GetConformer().GetPositions()) else: node_position = None for atom in atoms: atom_type.append(atom.GetAtomicNum()) formal_charge.append(atom.GetFormalCharge()) explicit_hs.append(atom.GetNumExplicitHs()) chiral_tag.append(atom.GetChiralTag()) radical_electrons.append(atom.GetNumRadicalElectrons()) atom_map.append(atom.GetAtomMapNum()) feature = [] for name in atom_feature: func = R.get("features.atom.%s" % name) feature += func(atom) _atom_feature.append(feature) atom_type = torch.tensor(atom_type)[:-1] atom_map = torch.tensor(atom_map)[:-1] formal_charge = torch.tensor(formal_charge)[:-1] explicit_hs = torch.tensor(explicit_hs)[:-1] chiral_tag = torch.tensor(chiral_tag)[:-1] radical_electrons = torch.tensor(radical_electrons)[:-1] if len(atom_feature) > 0: _atom_feature = torch.tensor(_atom_feature)[:-1] else: _atom_feature = None edge_list = [] bond_type = [] bond_stereo = [] stereo_atoms = [] _bond_feature = [] dummy_bond = copy(cls.dummy_mol).GetBondWithIdx(0) bonds = [mol.GetBondWithIdx(i) for i in range(mol.GetNumBonds())] + [dummy_bond] for bond in bonds: type = str(bond.GetBondType()) stereo = bond.GetStereo() if stereo: _atoms = [a for a in bond.GetStereoAtoms()] else: _atoms = [0, 0] if type not in cls.bond2id: continue type = cls.bond2id[type] h, t = bond.GetBeginAtomIdx(), bond.GetEndAtomIdx() edge_list += [[h, t, type], [t, h, type]] # always explicitly store aromatic bonds, no matter kekulize or not if bond.GetIsAromatic(): type = cls.bond2id["AROMATIC"] bond_type += [type, type] bond_stereo += [stereo, stereo] stereo_atoms += [_atoms, _atoms] feature = [] for name in bond_feature: func = R.get("" % name) feature += func(bond) _bond_feature += [feature, feature] edge_list = edge_list[:-2] bond_type = torch.tensor(bond_type)[:-2] bond_stereo = torch.tensor(bond_stereo)[:-2] stereo_atoms = torch.tensor(stereo_atoms)[:-2] if len(bond_feature) > 0: _bond_feature = torch.tensor(_bond_feature)[:-2] else: _bond_feature = None _mol_feature = [] for name in mol_feature: func = R.get("features.molecule.%s" % name) _mol_feature += func(mol) if len(mol_feature) > 0: _mol_feature = torch.tensor(_mol_feature) else: _mol_feature = None num_relation = len(cls.bond2id) - 1 if kekulize else len(cls.bond2id) return cls(edge_list, atom_type, bond_type, formal_charge=formal_charge, explicit_hs=explicit_hs, chiral_tag=chiral_tag, radical_electrons=radical_electrons, atom_map=atom_map, bond_stereo=bond_stereo, stereo_atoms=stereo_atoms, node_position=node_position, atom_feature=_atom_feature, bond_feature=_bond_feature, mol_feature=_mol_feature, num_node=mol.GetNumAtoms(), num_relation=num_relation)
[docs] @classmethod @utils.deprecated_alias(node_feature="atom_feature", edge_feature="bond_feature", graph_feature="mol_feature") def from_smiles(cls, smiles, atom_feature="default", bond_feature="default", mol_feature=None, with_hydrogen=False, kekulize=False): """ Create a molecule from a SMILES string. Parameters: smiles (str): SMILES string atom_feature (str or list of str, optional): atom features to extract bond_feature (str or list of str, optional): bond features to extract mol_feature (str or list of str, optional): molecule features to extract with_hydrogen (bool, optional): store hydrogens in the molecule graph. By default, hydrogens are dropped kekulize (bool, optional): convert aromatic bonds to single/double bonds. Note this only affects the relation in ``edge_list``. For ``bond_type``, aromatic bonds are always stored explicitly. By default, aromatic bonds are stored. """ mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(smiles) if mol is None: raise ValueError("Invalid SMILES `%s`" % smiles) return cls.from_molecule(mol, atom_feature, bond_feature, mol_feature, with_hydrogen, kekulize)
[docs] def to_smiles(self, isomeric=True, atom_map=True, canonical=False): """ Return a SMILES string of this molecule. Parameters: isomeric (bool, optional): keep isomeric information or not atom_map (bool, optional): keep atom mapping or not canonical (bool, optional): if true, return the canonical form of smiles Returns: str """ mol = self.to_molecule() if not atom_map: for atom in mol.GetAtoms(): atom.SetAtomMapNum(0) smiles = Chem.MolToSmiles(mol, isomericSmiles=isomeric) if canonical: smiles_set = set() while smiles not in smiles_set: smiles_set.add(smiles) mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(smiles) smiles = Chem.MolToSmiles(mol, isomericSmiles=isomeric) return smiles
[docs] def to_molecule(self, ignore_error=False): """ Return an RDKit object of this molecule. Parameters: ignore_error (bool, optional): if true, return ``None`` for illegal molecules. Otherwise, raise an exception. Returns: rdchem.Mol """ mol = Chem.RWMol() atom_type = self.atom_type.tolist() bond_type = self.bond_type.tolist() formal_charge = self.formal_charge.tolist() explicit_hs = self.explicit_hs.tolist() chiral_tag = self.chiral_tag.tolist() radical_electrons = self.radical_electrons.tolist() atom_map = self.atom_map.tolist() bond_stereo = self.bond_stereo.tolist() stereo_atoms = self.stereo_atoms.tolist() if hasattr(self, "node_position"): node_position = self.node_position.tolist() conformer = Chem.Conformer() else: conformer = None for i in range(self.num_node): atom = Chem.Atom(atom_type[i]) atom.SetFormalCharge(formal_charge[i]) atom.SetNumExplicitHs(explicit_hs[i]) atom.SetChiralTag(Chem.ChiralType(chiral_tag[i])) atom.SetNumRadicalElectrons(radical_electrons[i]) atom.SetNoImplicit(explicit_hs[i] > 0 or radical_electrons[i] > 0) atom.SetAtomMapNum(atom_map[i]) if conformer: conformer.SetAtomPosition(i, node_position[i]) mol.AddAtom(atom) if conformer: mol.AddConformer(conformer) edge_list = self.edge_list.tolist() for i in range(self.num_edge): h, t, type = edge_list[i] if h < t: j = mol.AddBond(h, t, Chem.BondType.names[self.id2bond[type]]) bond = mol.GetBondWithIdx(j - 1) bond.SetIsAromatic(bond_type[i] == self.bond2id["AROMATIC"]) bond.SetStereo(Chem.BondStereo(bond_stereo[i])) j = 0 for i in range(self.num_edge): h, t, type = edge_list[i] if h < t: if bond_stereo[i]: bond = mol.GetBondWithIdx(j) bond.SetStereoAtoms(*stereo_atoms[i]) j += 1 if ignore_error: try: with utils.no_rdkit_log(): mol.UpdatePropertyCache() Chem.AssignStereochemistry(mol) mol.ClearComputedProps() mol.UpdatePropertyCache() except: mol = None else: mol.UpdatePropertyCache() Chem.AssignStereochemistry(mol) mol.ClearComputedProps() mol.UpdatePropertyCache() return mol
[docs] def ion_to_molecule(self): """ Convert ions to molecules by adjusting hydrogens and electrons. Note [N+] will not be converted. """ data_dict = self.data_dict formal_charge = data_dict.pop("formal_charge") explicit_hs = data_dict.pop("explicit_hs") radical_electrons = data_dict.pop("radical_electrons") pos_nitrogen = (self.atom_type == 7) & (self.explicit_valence > 3) formal_charge = pos_nitrogen.long() explicit_hs = torch.zeros_like(explicit_hs) radical_electrons = torch.zeros_like(radical_electrons) return type(self)(self.edge_list, edge_weight=self.edge_weight, num_node=self.num_node, num_relation=self.num_relation, formal_charge=formal_charge, explicit_hs=explicit_hs, radical_electrons=radical_electrons, meta_dict=self.meta_dict, **data_dict)
[docs] def to_scaffold(self, chirality=False): """ Return a scaffold SMILES string of this molecule. Parameters: chirality (bool, optional): consider chirality in the scaffold or not Returns: str """ smiles = self.to_smiles() scaffold = MurckoScaffold.MurckoScaffoldSmiles(smiles, includeChirality=chirality) return scaffold
[docs] def node_mask(self, index, compact=False): self._check_no_stereo() return super(Molecule, self).node_mask(index, compact)
[docs] def edge_mask(self, index): self._check_no_stereo() return super(Molecule, self).edge_mask(index)
[docs] def undirected(self, add_inverse=False): if add_inverse: raise ValueError("Bonds are undirected relations, but `add_inverse` is specified") return super(Molecule, self).undirected(add_inverse)
[docs] def atom(self): """ Context manager for atom attributes. """ return self.node()
[docs] def bond(self): """ Context manager for bond attributes. """ return self.edge()
[docs] def mol(self): """ Context manager for molecule attributes. """ return self.graph()
[docs] def atom_reference(self): """ Context manager for atom references. """ return self.node_reference()
[docs] def bond_reference(self): """ Context manager for bond references. """ return self.edge_reference()
[docs] def mol_reference(self): """ Context mangaer for molecule references. """ return self.graph_reference()
@property def num_node(self): return self.num_atom @num_node.setter def num_node(self, value): self.num_atom = value @property def num_edge(self): return self.num_bond @num_edge.setter def num_edge(self, value): self.num_bond = value atom2graph = Graph.node2graph bond2graph = Graph.edge2graph @property def node_feature(self): return self.atom_feature @node_feature.setter def node_feature(self, value): self.atom_feature = value @property def edge_feature(self): return self.bond_feature @edge_feature.setter def edge_feature(self, value): self.bond_feature = value @property def graph_feature(self): return self.mol_feature @graph_feature.setter def graph_feature(self, value): self.mol_feature = value @utils.cached_property def explicit_valence(self): bond2valence = torch.tensor(self.bond2valence, device=self.device) explicit_valence = scatter_add(bond2valence[self.edge_list[:, 2]], self.edge_list[:, 0], dim_size=self.num_node) return explicit_valence.round().long() @utils.cached_property def is_valid(self): """A coarse implementation of valence check.""" # TODO: cross-check by any domain expert atom2valence = torch.tensor(float("nan")).repeat(constant.NUM_ATOM) for k, v in self.atom2valence: atom2valence[k] = v atom2valence = torch.as_tensor(atom2valence, device=self.device) max_atom_valence = atom2valence[self.atom_type] # special case for nitrogen pos_nitrogen = (self.atom_type == 7) & (self.formal_charge == 1) max_atom_valence[pos_nitrogen] = 4 if torch.isnan(max_atom_valence).any(): index = torch.isnan(max_atom_valence).nonzero()[0] raise ValueError("Fail to check valence. Unknown atom type %d" % self.atom_type[index]) is_valid = (self.explicit_valence <= max_atom_valence).all() return is_valid @utils.cached_property def is_valid_rdkit(self): try: with utils.no_rdkit_log(): mol = self.to_molecule() Chem.SanitizeMol(mol, sanitizeOps=Chem.SanitizeFlags.SANITIZE_PROPERTIES) is_valid = torch.ones(1, dtype=torch.bool, device=self.device) except ValueError: is_valid = torch.zeros(1, dtype=torch.bool, device=self.device) return is_valid def __repr__(self): fields = ["num_atom=%d" % self.num_atom, "num_bond=%d" % self.num_bond] if self.device.type != "cpu": fields.append("device='%s'" % self.device) return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, ", ".join(fields))
[docs] def visualize(self, title=None, save_file=None, figure_size=(3, 3), ax=None, atom_map=False): """ Visualize this molecule with matplotlib. Parameters: title (str, optional): title for this molecule save_file (str, optional): ``png`` or ``pdf`` file to save visualization. If not provided, show the figure in window. figure_size (tuple of int, optional): width and height of the figure ax (matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional): axis to plot the figure atom_map (bool, optional): visualize atom mapping or not """ is_root = ax is None if ax is None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=figure_size) if title is not None: ax = plt.gca() else: ax = fig.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1]) if title is not None: ax.set_title(title) mol = self.to_molecule() if not atom_map: for atom in mol.GetAtoms(): atom.SetAtomMapNum(0) draw.MolToMPL(mol, ax=ax) ax.set_frame_on(False) if is_root: if save_file: fig.savefig(save_file) else:
def __eq__(self, other): smiles = self.to_smiles(isomeric=False, atom_map=False, canonical=True) other_smiles = other.to_smiles(isomeric=False, atom_map=False, canonical=True) return smiles == other_smiles
[docs]class PackedMolecule(PackedGraph, Molecule): """ Container for molecules with variadic sizes. .. warning:: Edges of the same molecule are guaranteed to be consecutive in the edge list. However, this class doesn't enforce any order on the edges. Parameters: edge_list (array_like, optional): list of edges of shape :math:`(|E|, 3)`. Each tuple is (node_in, node_out, bond_type). atom_type (array_like, optional): atom types of shape :math:`(|V|,)` bond_type (array_like, optional): bond types of shape :math:`(|E|,)` num_nodes (array_like, optional): number of nodes in each graph By default, it will be inferred from the largest id in `edge_list` num_edges (array_like, optional): number of edges in each graph offsets (array_like, optional): node id offsets of shape :math:`(|E|,)`. If not provided, nodes in `edge_list` should be relative index, i.e., the index in each graph. If provided, nodes in `edge_list` should be absolute index, i.e., the index in the packed graph. """ unpacked_type = Molecule atom2graph = PackedGraph.node2graph bond2graph = PackedGraph.edge2graph def __init__(self, edge_list=None, atom_type=None, bond_type=None, num_nodes=None, num_edges=None, offsets=None, **kwargs): if "num_relation" not in kwargs: kwargs["num_relation"] = len(self.bond2id) super(PackedMolecule, self).__init__(edge_list=edge_list, num_nodes=num_nodes, num_edges=num_edges, offsets=offsets, atom_type=atom_type, bond_type=bond_type, **kwargs)
[docs] def ion_to_molecule(self): """ Convert ions to molecules by adjusting hydrogens and electrons. Note [N+] will not be converted. """ data_dict = self.data_dict formal_charge = data_dict.pop("formal_charge") explicit_hs = data_dict.pop("explicit_hs") radical_electrons = data_dict.pop("radical_electrons") pos_nitrogen = (self.atom_type == 7) & (self.explicit_valence > 3) formal_charge = pos_nitrogen.long() explicit_hs = torch.zeros_like(explicit_hs) radical_electrons = torch.zeros_like(radical_electrons) return type(self)(self.edge_list, edge_weight=self.edge_weight, num_nodes=self.num_nodes, num_edges=self.num_edges, num_relation=self.num_relation, offsets=self._offsets, formal_charge=formal_charge, explicit_hs=explicit_hs, radical_electrons=radical_electrons, meta_dict=self.meta_dict, **data_dict)
@utils.cached_property def is_valid(self): """A coarse implementation of valence check.""" # TODO: cross-check by any domain expert atom2valence = torch.tensor(float("nan")).repeat(constant.NUM_ATOM) for k, v in self.atom2valence.items(): atom2valence[k] = v atom2valence = torch.as_tensor(atom2valence, device=self.device) max_atom_valence = atom2valence[self.atom_type] # special case for nitrogen pos_nitrogen = (self.atom_type == 7) & (self.formal_charge == 1) max_atom_valence[pos_nitrogen] = 4 if torch.isnan(max_atom_valence).any(): index = torch.isnan(max_atom_valence).nonzero()[0] raise ValueError("Fail to check valence. Unknown atom type %d" % self.atom_type[index]) is_valid = self.explicit_valence <= max_atom_valence is_valid = scatter_min(is_valid.long(), self.node2graph, dim_size=self.batch_size)[0].bool() return is_valid @utils.cached_property def is_valid_rdkit(self): return[mol.is_valid_rdkit for mol in self])
[docs] @classmethod @utils.deprecated_alias(node_feature="atom_feature", edge_feature="bond_feature", graph_feature="mol_feature") def from_molecule(cls, mols, atom_feature="default", bond_feature="default", mol_feature=None, with_hydrogen=False, kekulize=False): """ Create a packed molecule from a list of RDKit objects. Parameters: mols (list of rdchem.Mol): molecules atom_feature (str or list of str, optional): atom features to extract bond_feature (str or list of str, optional): bond features to extract mol_feature (str or list of str, optional): molecule features to extract with_hydrogen (bool, optional): store hydrogens in the molecule graph. By default, hydrogens are dropped kekulize (bool, optional): convert aromatic bonds to single/double bonds. Note this only affects the relation in ``edge_list``. For ``bond_type``, aromatic bonds are always stored explicitly. By default, aromatic bonds are stored. """ atom_feature = cls._standarize_option(atom_feature) bond_feature = cls._standarize_option(bond_feature) mol_feature = cls._standarize_option(mol_feature) atom_type = [] formal_charge = [] explicit_hs = [] chiral_tag = [] radical_electrons = [] atom_map = [] edge_list = [] bond_type = [] bond_stereo = [] stereo_atoms = [] node_position = [] _atom_feature = [] _bond_feature = [] _mol_feature = [] num_nodes = [] num_edges = [] mols = mols + [cls.dummy_mol] for mol in mols: if mol is None: mol = cls.empty_mol # some RDKit operations are in-place # copy the object to avoid undesired behavior in the caller mol = copy(mol) if with_hydrogen: mol = Chem.AddHs(mol) if kekulize: Chem.Kekulize(mol) if mol.GetNumConformers() > 0: node_position += mol.GetConformer().GetPositions().tolist() for atom in mol.GetAtoms(): atom_type.append(atom.GetAtomicNum()) formal_charge.append(atom.GetFormalCharge()) explicit_hs.append(atom.GetNumExplicitHs()) chiral_tag.append(atom.GetChiralTag()) radical_electrons.append(atom.GetNumRadicalElectrons()) atom_map.append(atom.GetAtomMapNum()) feature = [] for name in atom_feature: func = R.get("features.atom.%s" % name) feature += func(atom) _atom_feature.append(feature) for bond in mol.GetBonds(): type = str(bond.GetBondType()) stereo = bond.GetStereo() if stereo: _atoms = list(bond.GetStereoAtoms()) else: _atoms = [0, 0] if type not in cls.bond2id: continue type = cls.bond2id[type] h, t = bond.GetBeginAtomIdx(), bond.GetEndAtomIdx() feature = [] for name in bond_feature: func = R.get("" % name) feature += func(bond) edge_list += [[h, t, type], [t, h, type]] # always explicitly store aromatic bonds if bond.GetIsAromatic(): type = cls.bond2id["AROMATIC"] bond_type += [type, type] bond_stereo += [stereo, stereo] stereo_atoms += [_atoms, _atoms] _bond_feature += [feature, feature] feature = [] for name in mol_feature: func = R.get("features.molecule.%s" % name) feature += func(mol) _mol_feature.append(feature) num_nodes.append(mol.GetNumAtoms()) num_edges.append(mol.GetNumBonds() * 2) atom_type = torch.tensor(atom_type)[:-2] atom_map = torch.tensor(atom_map)[:-2] formal_charge = torch.tensor(formal_charge)[:-2] explicit_hs = torch.tensor(explicit_hs)[:-2] chiral_tag = torch.tensor(chiral_tag)[:-2] radical_electrons = torch.tensor(radical_electrons)[:-2] if len(node_position) > 0: node_position = torch.tensor(node_position) else: node_position = None if len(atom_feature) > 0: _atom_feature = torch.tensor(_atom_feature)[:-2] else: _atom_feature = None num_nodes = num_nodes[:-1] num_edges = num_edges[:-1] edge_list = torch.tensor(edge_list)[:-2] bond_type = torch.tensor(bond_type)[:-2] bond_stereo = torch.tensor(bond_stereo)[:-2] stereo_atoms = torch.tensor(stereo_atoms)[:-2] if len(bond_feature) > 0: _bond_feature = torch.tensor(_bond_feature)[:-2] else: _bond_feature = None if len(mol_feature) > 0: _mol_feature = torch.tensor(_mol_feature)[:-1] else: _mol_feature = None num_relation = len(cls.bond2id) - 1 if kekulize else len(cls.bond2id) return cls(edge_list, atom_type, bond_type, formal_charge=formal_charge, explicit_hs=explicit_hs, chiral_tag=chiral_tag, radical_electrons=radical_electrons, atom_map=atom_map, bond_stereo=bond_stereo, stereo_atoms=stereo_atoms, node_position=node_position, atom_feature=_atom_feature, bond_feature=_bond_feature, mol_feature=_mol_feature, num_nodes=num_nodes, num_edges=num_edges, num_relation=num_relation)
[docs] @classmethod @utils.deprecated_alias(node_feature="atom_feature", edge_feature="bond_feature", graph_feature="mol_feature") def from_smiles(cls, smiles_list, atom_feature="default", bond_feature="default", mol_feature=None, with_hydrogen=False, kekulize=False): """ Create a packed molecule from a list of SMILES strings. Parameters: smiles_list (str): list of SMILES strings atom_feature (str or list of str, optional): atom features to extract bond_feature (str or list of str, optional): bond features to extract mol_feature (str or list of str, optional): molecule features to extract with_hydrogen (bool, optional): store hydrogens in the molecule graph. By default, hydrogens are dropped kekulize (bool, optional): convert aromatic bonds to single/double bonds. Note this only affects the relation in ``edge_list``. For ``bond_type``, aromatic bonds are always stored explicitly. By default, aromatic bonds are stored. """ mols = [] for smiles in smiles_list: mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(smiles) if mol is None: raise ValueError("Invalid SMILES `%s`" % smiles) mols.append(mol) return cls.from_molecule(mols, atom_feature, bond_feature, mol_feature, with_hydrogen, kekulize)
[docs] def to_smiles(self, isomeric=True, atom_map=True, canonical=False): """ Return a list of SMILES strings. Parameters: isomeric (bool, optional): keep isomeric information or not atom_map (bool, optional): keep atom mapping or not canonical (bool, optional): if true, return the canonical form of smiles Returns: list of str """ mols = self.to_molecule() smiles_list = [] for mol in mols: if not atom_map: for atom in mol.GetAtoms(): atom.SetAtomMapNum(0) smiles = Chem.MolToSmiles(mol, isomericSmiles=isomeric) if canonical: smiles_set = set() while smiles not in smiles_set: smiles_set.add(smiles) mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(smiles) smiles = Chem.MolToSmiles(mol, isomericSmiles=isomeric) smiles_list.append(smiles) return smiles_list
[docs] def to_molecule(self, ignore_error=False): """ Return a list of RDKit objects. Parameters: ignore_error (bool, optional): if true, return ``None`` for illegal molecules. Otherwise, raise an exception. Returns: list of rdchem.Mol """ atom_type = self.atom_type.tolist() bond_type = self.bond_type.tolist() formal_charge = self.formal_charge.tolist() explicit_hs = self.explicit_hs.tolist() chiral_tag = self.chiral_tag.tolist() radical_electrons = self.radical_electrons.tolist() atom_map = self.atom_map.tolist() bond_stereo = self.bond_stereo.tolist() stereo_atoms = self.stereo_atoms.tolist() if hasattr(self, "node_position"): node_position = self.node_position.tolist() else: node_position = None num_cum_nodes = [0] + self.num_cum_nodes.tolist() num_cum_edges = [0] + self.num_cum_edges.tolist() edge_list = self.edge_list.clone() edge_list[:, :2] -= self._offsets.unsqueeze(-1) edge_list = edge_list.tolist() mols = [] for i in range(self.batch_size): mol = Chem.RWMol() if node_position: conformer = Chem.Conformer() else: conformer = None for j in range(num_cum_nodes[i], num_cum_nodes[i + 1]): atom = Chem.Atom(atom_type[j]) atom.SetFormalCharge(formal_charge[j]) atom.SetNumExplicitHs(explicit_hs[j]) atom.SetChiralTag(Chem.ChiralType(chiral_tag[j])) atom.SetNumRadicalElectrons(radical_electrons[j]) atom.SetNoImplicit(explicit_hs[j] > 0 or radical_electrons[j] > 0) atom.SetAtomMapNum(atom_map[j]) if conformer: conformer.SetAtomPosition(j - num_cum_nodes[i], node_position[j]) mol.AddAtom(atom) if conformer: mol.AddConformer(conformer) for j in range(num_cum_edges[i], num_cum_edges[i + 1]): h, t, type = edge_list[j] if h < t: k = mol.AddBond(h, t, Chem.BondType.names[self.id2bond[type]]) bond = mol.GetBondWithIdx(k - 1) bond.SetIsAromatic(bond_type[j] == self.bond2id["AROMATIC"]) bond.SetStereo(Chem.BondStereo(bond_stereo[j])) k = 0 for j in range(num_cum_edges[i], num_cum_edges[i + 1]): h, t, type = edge_list[j] if h < t: if bond_stereo[j]: bond = mol.GetBondWithIdx(k) # These do not necessarily need to be the highest 'ranking' atoms like CIP stereo requires. # They can be any arbitrary atoms neighboring the begin and end atoms of this bond respectively. # STEREOCIS or STEREOTRANS is then set relative to only these atoms. bond.SetStereoAtoms(*stereo_atoms[j]) k += 1 if ignore_error: try: with utils.no_rdkit_log(): mol.UpdatePropertyCache() Chem.AssignStereochemistry(mol) mol.ClearComputedProps() mol.UpdatePropertyCache() except: mol = None else: mol.UpdatePropertyCache() Chem.AssignStereochemistry(mol) mol.ClearComputedProps() mol.UpdatePropertyCache() mols.append(mol) return mols
[docs] def node_mask(self, index, compact=False): self._check_no_stereo() return super(PackedMolecule, self).node_mask(index, compact)
[docs] def edge_mask(self, index): self._check_no_stereo() return super(PackedMolecule, self).edge_mask(index)
[docs] def undirected(self, add_inverse=False): if add_inverse: raise ValueError("Bonds are undirected relations, but `add_inverse` is specified") return super(PackedMolecule, self).undirected(add_inverse)
@property def num_nodes(self): return self.num_atoms @num_nodes.setter def num_nodes(self, value): self.num_atoms = value @property def num_edges(self): return self.num_bonds @num_edges.setter def num_edges(self, value): self.num_bonds = value def __repr__(self): fields = ["batch_size=%d" % self.batch_size, "num_atoms=%s" % pretty.long_array(self.num_atoms.tolist()), "num_bonds=%s" % pretty.long_array(self.num_bonds.tolist())] if self.device.type != "cpu": fields.append("device='%s'" % self.device) return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, ", ".join(fields))
[docs] def visualize(self, titles=None, save_file=None, figure_size=(3, 3), num_row=None, num_col=None, atom_map=False): """ Visualize the packed molecules with matplotlib. Parameters: titles (list of str, optional): title for each molecule. Default is the ID of each molecule. save_file (str, optional): ``png`` or ``pdf`` file to save visualization. If not provided, show the figure in window. figure_size (tuple of int, optional): width and height of the figure num_row (int, optional): number of rows in the figure num_col (int, optional): number of columns in the figure atom_map (bool, optional): visualize atom mapping or not """ if titles is None: graph = self.get_item(0) titles = ["%s %d" % (type(graph).__name__, i) for i in range(self.batch_size)] if num_col is None: if num_row is None: num_col = math.ceil(self.batch_size ** 0.5) else: num_col = math.ceil(self.batch_size / num_row) if num_row is None: num_row = math.ceil(self.batch_size / num_col) figure_size = (num_col * figure_size[0], num_row * figure_size[1]) fig = plt.figure(figsize=figure_size) for i in range(self.batch_size): graph = self.get_item(i) ax = fig.add_subplot(num_row, num_col, i + 1) graph.visualize(title=titles[i], ax=ax, atom_map=atom_map) # remove the space of axis labels fig.tight_layout() if save_file: fig.savefig(save_file) else:
Molecule.packed_type = PackedMolecule