Source code for torchdrug.core.core

import re
import types
import inspect
from collections import defaultdict
from contextlib import contextmanager

from decorator import decorator

[docs]class _MetaContainer(object): """ Meta container that maintains meta types about members. The meta type of each member is tracked when a member is assigned. We use a context manager to define the meta types for a bunch of assignment. The meta types are stored as a dict in ``instance.meta_dict``, where keys are member names and values are meta types. >>> class MyClass(_MetaContainer): >>> ... >>> instance = MyClass() >>> with instance.context("important"): >>> instance.value = 1 >>> assert instance.meta_dict["value"] == "important" Members assigned with :meth:`context(None) <context>` or without a context won't be tracked. >>> instance.random = 0 >>> assert "random" not in instance.meta_dict You can also restrict available meta types by defining a set :attr:`_meta_types` in the derived class. .. note:: Meta container also supports auto inference of meta types. This can be enabled by setting :attr:`enable_auto_context` to ``True`` in the derived class. Once auto inference is on, any member without an explicit context will be recognized through their name prefix. For example, ``instance.node_value`` will be recognized as ``node`` if ``node`` is defined in ``meta_types``. This may make code hard to maintain. Use with caution. """ _meta_types = set() enable_auto_context = False def __init__(self, meta_dict=None, **kwargs): if meta_dict is None: meta_dict = {} else: meta_dict = meta_dict.copy() self._setattr("_meta_contexts", set()) self._setattr("meta_dict", meta_dict) for k, v in kwargs.items(): self._setattr(k, v)
[docs] @contextmanager def context(self, type): """ Context manager for assigning members with a specific meta type. """ if type is not None and self._meta_types and type not in self._meta_types: raise ValueError("Expect context type in %s, but got `%s`" % (self._meta_types, type)) self._meta_contexts.add(type) yield self._meta_contexts.remove(type)
def __setattr__(self, key, value): if hasattr(self, "meta_dict"): types = self._meta_contexts if not types and self.enable_auto_context: for type in self._meta_types: if key.startswith(type): types.append(type) if len(types) > 1: raise ValueError("Auto context found multiple contexts for key `%s`. " "If this is desired, set `enable_auto_context` to False " "and manually specify the context. " % key) if types: self.meta_dict[key] = types.copy() self._setattr(key, value) def __delattr__(self, key): if hasattr(self, "meta_dict") and key in self.meta_dict: del self.meta_dict[key] super(_MetaContainer, self).__delattr__(self, key) def _setattr(self, key, value): return super(_MetaContainer, self).__setattr__(key, value) @property def data_dict(self): """A dict that maps tracked names to members.""" return {k: getattr(self, k) for k in self.meta_dict}
[docs] def data_by_meta(self, include=None, exclude=None): """ Return members based on the specific meta types. Parameters: include (list of string, optional): meta types to include exclude (list of string, optional): meta types to exclude Returns: (dict, dict): data member dict and meta type dict """ if include is None and exclude is None: return self.data_dict, self.meta_dict include = self._standarize_type(include) exclude = self._standarize_type(exclude) types = include or set().union(*self.meta_dict.values()) types = types - exclude data_dict = {} meta_dict = {} for k, v in self.meta_dict.items(): if v.issubset(types): data_dict[k] = getattr(self, k) meta_dict[k] = v return data_dict, meta_dict
def _standarize_type(self, types): if types is None: types = set() elif isinstance(types, str): types = {types} else: types = set(types) return types
class Tree(defaultdict): def __init__(self): super(Tree, self).__init__(Tree) def flatten(self, prefix=None, result=None): if prefix is None: prefix = "" else: prefix = prefix + "." if result is None: result = {} for k, v in self.items(): if isinstance(v, Tree): v.flatten(prefix + k, result) else: result[prefix + k] = v return result
[docs]class Registry(object): """ Registry class for managing all call-by-name access to objects. Typical scenarios: 1. Create a model according to a string. >>> gcn ="GCN")(128, [128]) 2. Register a customize hook to the package. >>> @R.register("features.atom.my_feature") >>> def my_featurizer(atom): >>> ... >>> >>> data.Molecule.from_smiles("C1=CC=CC=C1", atom_feature="my_feature") """ table = Tree() def __new__(cls): raise ValueError("Registry shouldn't be instantiated.")
[docs] @classmethod def register(cls, name): """ Register an object with a canonical name. Hierarchical names are separated by ``.``. """ def wrapper(obj): entry = cls.table keys = name.split(".") for key in keys[:-1]: entry = entry[key] if keys[-1] in entry: raise KeyError("`%s` has already been registered by %s" % (name, entry[keys[-1]])) entry[keys[-1]] = obj obj._registry_key = name return obj return wrapper
[docs] @classmethod def get(cls, name): """ Get an object with a canonical name. Hierarchical names are separated by ``.``. """ entry = cls.table keys = name.split(".") for i, key in enumerate(keys): if key not in entry: raise KeyError("Can't find `%s` in `%s`" % (key, ".".join(keys[:i]))) entry = entry[key] return entry
[docs] @classmethod def search(cls, name): """ Search an object with the given name. The name doesn't need to be canonical. For example, we can search ``GCN`` and get the object of ``models.GCN``. """ keys = [] pattern = re.compile(r"\b%s\b" % name) for k, v in cls.table.flatten().items(): if keys.append(k) value = v if len(keys) == 0: raise KeyError("Can't find any registered key containing `%s`" % name) if len(keys) > 1: keys = ["`%s`" % key for key in keys] raise KeyError("Ambiguous key `%s`. Found %s" % (name, ", ".join(keys))) return value
class _Configurable(type): def config_dict(self): def unroll_config_dict(obj): if isinstance(type(obj), _Configurable): obj = obj.config_dict() elif isinstance(obj, (str, bytes)): return obj elif isinstance(obj, dict): return type(obj)({k: unroll_config_dict(v) for k, v in obj.items()}) elif isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)): return type(obj)(unroll_config_dict(x) for x in obj) return obj cls = getattr(self, "_registry_key", self.__class__.__name__) config = {"class": cls} for k, v in self._config.items(): config[k] = unroll_config_dict(v) return config @classmethod def load_config_dict(cls, config): if cls == _Configurable: real_cls =["class"]) custom_load_func = real_cls.load_config_dict.__func__ != cls.load_config_dict.__func__ if custom_load_func: return real_cls.load_config_dict(config) cls = real_cls elif getattr(cls, "_registry_key", cls.__name__) != config["class"]: raise ValueError("Expect config class to be `%s`, but found `%s`" % (cls.__name__, config["class"])) new_config = {} for k, v in config.items(): if isinstance(v, dict) and "class" in v: v = _Configurable.load_config_dict(v) elif isinstance(v, list): v = [_Configurable.load_config_dict(_v) if isinstance(_v, dict) and "class" in _v else _v for _v in v] if k != "class": new_config[k] = v return cls(**new_config) def __new__(typ, *args, **kwargs): cls = type.__new__(typ, *args, **kwargs) @decorator def wrapper(init, self, *args, **kwargs): sig = inspect.signature(init) func = sig.bind(self, *args, **kwargs) func.apply_defaults() config = {} keys = list(sig.parameters.keys()) for k, v in zip(keys[1:], func.args[1:]): # exclude self config[k] = v config.update(func.kwargs) for k in getattr(self, "_ignore_args", {}): config.pop(k) self._config = dict(config) return init(self, *args, **kwargs) def get_function(method): if isinstance(method, types.MethodType): return method.__func__ return method if isinstance(cls.__init__, types.FunctionType): cls.__init__ = wrapper(cls.__init__) custom_load_func = hasattr(cls, "load_config_dict") and \ get_function(cls.load_config_dict) != get_function(typ.load_config_dict) custom_config_func = hasattr(cls, "config_dict") and \ get_function(cls.config_dict) != get_function(typ.config_dict) if not custom_load_func: cls.load_config_dict = _Configurable.load_config_dict if not custom_config_func: cls.config_dict = _Configurable.config_dict return cls
[docs]class Configurable(metaclass=_Configurable): """ Class for load/save configuration. It will automatically record every argument passed to the ``__init__`` function. This class is inspired by :meth:`state_dict()` in PyTorch, but designed for hyperparameters. Inherit this class to construct a configurable class. >>> class MyClass(nn.Module, core.Configurable): Note :class:`Configurable` only applies to the current class rather than any derived class. For example, the following definition only records the arguments of ``MyClass``. >>> class DerivedClass(MyClass): In order to record the arguments of ``DerivedClass``, explicitly specify the inheritance. >>> class DerivedClass(MyClass, core.Configurable): To get the configuration of an instance, use :meth:`config_dict()`, which returns a dict of argument names and values. If an argument is also an instance of :class:`Configurable`, it will be recursively expanded in the dict. The configuration dict can be passed to :meth:`load_config_dict()` to create a copy of the instance. For classes already registered in :class:`Registry`, they can be directly created from the :class:`Configurable` class. This is convenient for building models from configuration files. >>> config = models.GCN(128, [128]).config_dict() >>> gcn = Configurable.load_config_dict(config) """ pass
def make_configurable(cls, module=None, ignore_args=()): """ Make a configurable class out of an existing class. The configurable class will automatically record every argument passed to its ``__init__`` function. Parameters: cls (type): input class module (str, optional): bind the output class to this module. By default, bind to the original module of the input class. ignore_args (set of str, optional): arguments to ignore in the ``__init__`` function """ ignore_args = set(ignore_args) module = module or cls.__module__ Metaclass = type(cls) if issubclass(Metaclass, _Configurable): # already a configurable class return cls if Metaclass != type: # already have a meta class MetaClass = type(_Configurable.__name__, (Metaclass, _Configurable), {}) else: MetaClass = _Configurable return MetaClass(cls.__name__, (cls,), {"_ignore_args": ignore_args, "__module__": module})